Happy Birthday babies!!!

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Today was Scott's and Oliver's birthday, it has been ONE YEAR since I had Oliver and today we have a party for both of them, and by 'we' I mean the avengers.

Scott doesn't know the party is also for him, but I made the preparations for both of them as next year we will most probably celebrate as married couples and I want to thank him for everything he did the past 1 1/2 year(1 year and 8 months).

I didn't wake him up early, but I woke up quickly and silently and went to the kitchen to make him breakfast...

I took the breakfast to our room to see Scott fast asleep, I kept the breakfast aside and woke him up, "Scotty wake up honey!", I said nudging him lightly, "Hmhpmm", he said and I smiled at his adorableness

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I took the breakfast to our room to see Scott fast asleep, I kept the breakfast aside and woke him up, "Scotty wake up honey!", I said nudging him lightly, "Hmhpmm", he said and I smiled at his adorableness.

"Happy Birthday baby!", I said and he quickly got up and sat, "It's Oliver's BIRTHDAY!!", he exclaimed, "and also yours big baby", I said kissing him.

"Oh yeah but I am 27, it's Oliver's first birthday and I have to go and decorate now move", he said pushing me away to get up. But I held him down, "First eat your breakfast", I said handing him the breakfast.

"Oh wow, thank you so much sweetheart", he said, "Always honey and after breakfast go take the shower, I'll pick the outfit for you", I said, "I am going to check the decorations", I said and he tried to protest.

"Shh... today it's your birthday, so let me do the work, now eat fast", I said walking out to check on Oliver.

"Hey baby, Happy birthday, you have become boy, haven't you", I said after seeing Oliver was up and smiling making grabby hands towards me.

I took Oliver to the kitchen and made his breakfast(not like Scott's; duh!), fed him, had my breakfast and took him to our room, to see Scott already finished.

I gave him Oliver and as he was playing with Oliver I quickly picked his outfit along with mine, "Scotty I already took Oliver's outfit, can you give him a bath and change him into it?", I asked.

"Anything for you honey", he said kissing me and leaving the room, I quickly took a shower and changed into my dress(above).

"Shall we show mama, how you look, the most handsome boy in the world?", Scott said bringing Oliver in by holding his hand, but he soon stopped after seeing me, I knew this outfit was too much.

I started removing my earrings, "Wait what are you doing?", Scott asked breaking out of 'staring contest', "Well I am removing it, I know it's too much", "No don't you look really really s..", before he could say the word I clamped his mouth shut.

"Oliver is here, so will you shut up", I said, he nodded and I took my hand away from his mouth, "Sexy", he said carrying Oliver and running away and I know it's his revenge for the time when I first came here.(If you can't remember read 'Revealed and Safe' chapter)

I chased him downstairs to see the OG six avengers excluding Steve, including Bucky there with the decos ready to be decorated, "Hey guys!", I said trying to slip away, I saw Scott and Oliver laughing behind everyone.

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