Welcome Home and Yes!!!

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This has a sort of two parts because only one part will be really short.

Again your Pov

~~ 2 days later ~~(continuing from the one before the last chapter)

Me and Scott are driving home, with Oliver in my hands sleeping, he has been sleeping a lot which the doctors said was fine for a baby. He has been an angel since he came, which I hope he will be forever.

The others went the next day after the birth and Nat informed that they will come home today to welcome the baby.

~~ At the house ~~(I know I am lazy)

We open the front door to see everyone there, the house was decorated in a baby blue color and a sign saying welcome home.

Everyone was there, and Oliver woke up as if sensing it and started to look around and laugh at them.

~~ Again time skip ~~( I don't have much to write)

"So why did you keep the last name Lang instead of Stark? I mean you guys are not married, or did you not tell us that too?", Dad asked who had Oliver now.

"No dad we are not married and Scott said to keep it Stark too, but I knew and felt that Lang was correct for Oliver. Oliver deserves to be Lang as much as he deserves to have Scott as father", I said, "Scott has been there every day and time coping with my 'hormonal annoyance' and making me the happiest women these past 6 months. Therefore, it's not Scott who is lucky to have us, it's us who are lucky to have him", I continued looking at Scott, who looked at me with the same love and passion with a teary eyes.

He kissed me with so much love and passion, we forgot about the others present, "Forget why I asked that question. There is a newborn here so please keep all the lovey dovey stuff for later", my dad said making all of us laugh.

~~ 6 months later ~~( This is the second part)

This past 12 months being with Scott made me realize what love is? and how much I was in love with Scott?, it's the greatest feeling ever and I can't describe with words on how much I love him.

Today is our first year anniversary and Nat and Wanda came to take Oliver shopping it seems, and Scott has planned something I don't know in our backyard.

He told me to dress in something fancy and come, as he was also wearing a black suit, so I asked Nat on what to wear and she picked something I feel like is too much, but she said it was the perfect one....

He told me to dress in something fancy and come, as he was also wearing a black suit, so I asked Nat on what to wear and she picked something I feel like is too much, but she said it was the perfect one

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(This the full set)

I went downstairs and to the the backyard to see the most beautiful set up ever...

I went downstairs and to the the backyard to see the most beautiful set up ever

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(This is the decoration)

Scott was there and he was a bit nervous, weird Scott gets nervous?, I thought to myself and saw Scott staring at me weirdly again.

"Is something there on my face? or is the dress too much? I can change it if you want into something simpler", I kept on babbling, which was stopped by Scott kissing me.

"You look absolutely stunning and the dress is perfect, now stop worrying about other things and come we have a dance to attend", he said making me blush, "Dance? I can't dance that well", I said trying to get away and remove myself from his grip which I couldn't.

"You aren't going anywhere madam, by the way we are not dancing now we are gonna talk and eat first then only we are dancing", he said leading me inside.

~~  After dinner ~~

Thousand years started to play, not too loud not too quiet, but in perfect peacefulness, "Care to attend to our first dance?", Scott asked in a funny British sort of accent, not perfectly British but with also a little French tone.

"I can't deny can I?", I asked laughing at him and he shook his head no, therefore I took his hand and started to sway to the beat.

"Thank you Y/N for making me the happiest man alive by being your boyfriend and a father", he whispered in my ears kissing my shoulders.

"You know right, that I should be the one saying that and not vice versa? You made me the happiest women alive these 12 months, a year and made me accept myself and Oliver by you having faith in us and accepting us. Even though, I didn't contact you for 2 years, I was really cruel to you but you still accepted me and gave me all this till now. You made me realize what true caring love is, you made me love you so much that I am afraid to let go, you made me promises which no one in my life made me and most importantly you accepted me", I said tearing up and thanking Nat inside me as she said to wear waterproof mascara even though she didn't tell me the real reason.

"I learnt all these things too Y/N maybe because it was us who were in a relationship, maybe soulmates are true", he said pausing a bit and changing our steps to the next song, 'Love me like you do'. "Maybe we are meant to be together and accepting you is not because of your physical beauty, all though you are physically extremely beautiful, lucky me", he said making me laugh through my tears, "but you care for everyone, although it hurts you to do so, you are a great mom, the way you are with Oliver makes me happy, you are free and you are my beautiful caring babygirl, I trust you enough to know that you will always be with me, I will always trust you and accept you and most importantly I will keep the promise as a promise forever or more like promises", he said making me laugh again.

 "I wanted to ask you something else too, I hope you grant that to me", he said making me confused, but still I nodded. He let go of me and then only I noticed that the song has stopped, and he went on one knee.

I started to tear up again, "I know I usually say too much when it comes to us or our relationship but today I don't have enough words to say anything to you. Just know I love you so much and will always love you 3000. Now on to the proposal, Hmmm...", he said clearing his throat, "I am opening an emotional bank account for you sweetheart. So deposit your love in it and you will get the interest. Be mine!", he said not failing to making me laugh at the proposal even.

I nodded my head, "Yes, yes, yes ,yes", I said hugging him as he wore the ring...

I nodded my head, "Yes, yes, yes ,yes", I said hugging him as he wore the ring

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(The ring)

I kissed him with full passion and love, "It is really beautiful Scott, I love you 3000 too", "I can't wait to spend rest of my life with you", Scott said.

"Oh no!", I said making him look worried "What's wrong? Are you ok?", "I am going to spend the rest of my life with an idiot", I said laughing and him trying to look angry, but smiling a bit.

"Oh now you are worried about marrying an idiot? huh?", he said tickling me, I quickly ran away from him and to our bedroom, where he followed me and start to tickle me there too "Sorry! Sorry!" I said laughing hard and Scott let me go.

He then started to kiss me with full passion and lust and let's just say that night was eventful...


Steve Rogers x reader x Scott Lang: ACCEPTANCEWhere stories live. Discover now