Hey Scotty! What are you doing here?

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"What is wrong with her?", Scott asked and she looked at him, "I am sorry Mr.Lang your wife has lost her memory", she said and everyone was shocked.

At that time others including Oliver came, "Papa", he said running into Scott's open arms and Scott lifted him, Steve watched this suspiciously but didn't bring it now.

"I am sorry what now?", Tony asked, "Well, your daughter can't remember the past 4 years, as we deciphered from her answers", she said and Scott couldn't feel his legs.

He quickly held on to the chairs and sat on it not wanting to fall with Oliver, tears started to fall from his eyes and everyone except Steve came towards him, "Papa why are you crying? Don't cry papa", Oliver said wiping Scott's tears and others smiled sadly.

"Oliver come with Uncle Bruce let's go out for some time", Bruce said taking Oliver signaling Nat with his eyes and she nodded.

"Scott keep yourself together for Y/N", Nat said and he nodded getting up, "Mr.Lang we removed her accessories, here you go", she said handing him three rings and a bracelet.

It was her suit bracelet, wedding ring, proposal ring, and her promise ring which he promised he would never remove at any situation, I have to wear this on her I can't break my promise ever, he thought.

He looked at the others, "She can't remember the time with me, which means for her she in a relationship with..", he said and looked at Steve who looked happy at this, "Captain don't you dare get near my daughter", Tony said, "But Tony for her she is still with me noh?", he asked innocently.(don't worry not an evil Steve; well maybe a little)

While Steve and Tony was talking Scott went inside with the permission from the doctor and looked at Y/N who was sleeping peacefully.

He didn't want to wake her up and scare her, so he quickly wore the promise ring as the doctor told not to wear the wedding rings, it will only make her tense and scared.

He came outside to see these two fighting like children, "Shut up both of you", he said, he was already feeling miserable and now these two were fighting like idiots.

"Stark as Y/N won't remember, anything she has to stay in Stark tower and me and Oliver are also staying there till she remembers", he said and Tony nodded happily as his daughter and her family was gonna stay with him.

"All this time she stayed with you?", Steve asked and Scott ignored it, "We have to show her the memories you have recorded Stark, one by one and I hope I can bring her back", Scott said tearing up and Nat hugged him.

"She will remember Scott", she said and the doctor came, "Mr.Lang I have written some medications, please follow it and if anything bring her quickly", the doctor said.

"Doctor will this medications affect the babies?", he asked, "Babies?", Steve looked at everyone but no one minded him, "No, it won't as I have specifically written it for pregnancy, but we are gonna keep here one day and observe her", she said and everyone except Steve nodded.

After the doctor left everyone was talking to each other, when Steve asked, "How is she pregnant? or more like how long is she pregnant?", he asked and everyone turned to look at him.

"Why do you care Captain?", Loki said who was quiet all this time, "Well she was pregnant with my child 2 years ago(I've lost the time), now the doctor and Scott are saying babies, so is she sleeping with someone?", he asked and everyone got angry, but Scott was furious.

How dare he talk about his wife like that, Nat saw this and wanted to stop him, of course she wanted to kill Steve but this was a hospital and before she could stop Scott he pushed Steve to the wall and choked him.

"What are you doing?", Steve whispered, but no one tried to stop Scott, "Don't you dare say anything about my wife", He threatened calmly which scared everyone including Steve.

"Scott let him go, he isn't worth it", Clint said and Scott let Steve go but was still glaring at him, "Wife?", Steve asked after finding his voice.

"Yes wife, she has been my wife for 1 year and will be that forever, and she is pregnant with my children so if you try to do anything to her, there will be no Captain for avengers from that day onward", Scott said and Steve nodded scared.

"Wait then Oliver is...", he started but Scott stopped him, "My son, only mine and Y/N's son, don't you dare do anything to him", Scott said and Steve nodded knowing the truth and at the same time Oliver came in running towards Tony.

"Grandpa! Grandpa?", "Yes baby?", Tony said lifting Oliver into his arms and kissing his cheek, "Grandpa Uncle Bruce, showed me some cool stuff in the hospital, like microscope, test tube and... and...", he said trying to remember.

"An arc reactor", Bruce completed and everyone was shocked to learn there was an arc reactor here, "Yes an arc reactor like yours granpa, it was cool", Oliver continued and everyone looked at Bruce.

"It was a fake one at the display but Oliver tried connecting and giving it power, I had to drag him here to stop him from doing it", Bruce said and Tony looked proud at his grandson.

"Oh someone is like grandpa, isn't he?", Nat said and Oliver turned towards everyone and nodded, "Papa where is mama?", he asked and the atmosphere turned serious again. 

"Mama is not well baby, she will see you later, ok honey", Scott said and Oliver nodded, "Oliver show me the reactor, we'll do something like that later ok?", Tony said taking Oliver away.

"How am I gonna lie to Oliver?", he asked and everyone looked at him in pity, "We all have to Scott, for Y/N", Nat said and the doctor called Scott saying Y/N was awake.

He went inside and Y/N saw him and quickly hugged him close, "Hey Scotty! What are you doing here?", she asked and he wanted to hold her and kiss her badly but he controlled himself.

"Why shouldn't I come and visit you?", he asked ,"No not like that, it's been nearly a year since we last saw each other, that's why I asked you, or wait I have lost my memory so you may come back", she babbled.

"I will make sure to be with you and make you remember everything Y/N, I promise", he said and Y/N felt something different in her when he heard the words 'I promise', but she didn't show it.

They talked for sometime like this......

How was this chap?

When will Y/N remember everything?

Or more like will she remember everything? Stay tuned..


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