Revealed and Safe

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Scott was beet red for what I did, "you are gonna get for that one day", he said. I shrugged and continued eating, he also took his plate and sat next to me eating the food. After sometime he suddenly said, "So... care to explain what happened?" and I nearly choked on my food at the sudden query.

"Mmm... first you go. What happened between you and Hope? I thought you guys were made for each other pair", I said and he looked at me with 'what the hell are you talking about' look. "No what I meant by that was, she was the only other person to tolerate your craziness other than me. That's what I meant", I said.

"Without this crazy person you would be... hmm.., probably and actually be insane so just thank me", he said and I laughed out loud. Wow I laughed and it felt so umm.. remote. He smiled at me seeing me laugh probably first time in 2 years.

"Ok now don't change the topic tell me what happened... I mean if you don't want to share it with me I am completely fine it's not like I am your girlfriend or something to know about your ex, its just I wanted to know so maybe I can help you", I blabbered again but it did hurt to say that I am not his girlfriend. Truth to be told I had a crush on him years back but I thought it went away when I was with Steve, but I guess it was only suppressed deep down inside me which was resurfacing back.

"Ok first stop blabbering its not like you, and second you are much more important to me than a girlfriend I would probably have or had. So the thing is me and Hope were fine but it was missing a spark in our relationship that's when we figured it out that we were not meant to be lovers but friends. We still talk nowadays but just as friends", he said. 

We have finished eating by now, I took both our plates to the kitchen sink to wash while Scott said thanks. I washed our plates and came back and sat next to him. I was hesitant but still I asked, "Did you like or love someone else to breakup with her? or Did you expect umm... her to be like umm... someone you like?", "No and no. First no, I 'loved' or 'still love' someone before I was in relationship with her, but each minute I spent I always was faithful to her", he said. This made my eyes water a bit thinking how lucky his future wife would but also a bit jealous when he said he loves the person still.

"Second no, I would never ever expect my partner to be like someone else just because I like that someone else, I'd rather breakup and stay single forever", he continued and paused to, I think rethink my question. "Wait Y/N did Steve expect you to be like someone?", he asked. Dang he is smart, I didn't say anything but looked down. "Look me in the eyes and answer my question Y/N", he said a bit stern now. But still I couldn't meet his eyes, I felt two fingers lift my chin to be met by a pair of dazzling blue eyes, these eyes were not oceanic like Steve's, drowning. But these were like the blue sky, in it I felt like a free bird, these eyes were making me calm, I can't explain it exactly.

I couldn't hold it anymore I started crying and he held me close, I hugged him tighter even though I felt pains on some places. "Shh... I am here sweetheart, take your time cry everything out, then you can tell me", he said. After a while I stopped crying but still tears were running slowly. He cuddled me where I kept my head on his shoulders, while he was wiping the tears in my eyes I said, "Yesterday was mine and Steve's second year anniversary and I wanted to tell him something I found 2 days before."

I lifted my head and looked in his eyes, "The day before yesterday we came from a mission and..." "Let me guess you didn't follow the rules", he completed my sentence with a chuckle. I hit his hand playfully and continued, "Not funny, but yes that's what happened and when we came back to the compound he was like usual lecturing me. Others had left as they were tired like me that's why I wasn't listening to him much. Suddenly the topic changed where he said that Peggy wouldn't have done what I did", Scott was shocked clearly from his expression. 

I continued still, "I was getting pissed off and I asked what he meant and he said... umm.....", I hesitated but Scott said to continue. "He said that Peggy would obey and do as the plan and she wore less makeup than me and was fitter than me", I completed and buried my head in his shoulders. "How DARE he SAY that to YOU? Is he blind I have seen Agent Carter's picture in S.H.I.E.L.D, she wore dark red lipstick in that picture as far as I know about makeup. You never wear makeup Y/N and she looks way too fit, you are the one who is perfect", he said. Wow he exactly thinks like me.

He thinks I am perfect, but after listening to the next one he would never even look at me again probably. "So why did you go back to yours and his room after this happened, I mean he did cheat you with that bitch in that room right?", he said after calming down a bit as I was lightly crying again. He was a genius unlike everyone had thought. "I wanted to tell him something which is the only reason I thought he probably deserved a second chance", I said.

"Wait you are making me think something which I thought you wouldn't be dumb enough to do. But I am gonna take my chance, don't hate me but I just pieced what I saw and heard from you today. Umm... are you by any chance umm.. pregnant?", he asked.

"I am sorry Scotty and I never would hate you", I said and cried again, "Please don't hate me I can't risk losing you too. I know I thought he would be my whole life that's why I slept with him. I have made a mistake."

He was silent again then slowly he wrapped his arms around me and hesitantly asked, "I would never ever hate you too sweetheart. I know this is a bad timing and by bad timing it is the worst, I never wanted to ask you this in such a situation but Y/N I have loved you since the day I met you and now I started feeling it again. I know you are pregnant with Steve's child but if you don't want him back can I be this baby's daddy?"

I looked at him with shock and confusion, he wants me to be his, after all this "So Y/N will you be my girlfriend?, If you don't that's fine," he started to blabber again. I stopped him with crashing my lips onto his, he was shocked at first but started kissing me back slowly.

"I have loved you from the first time I saw you too, but I was oblivious to notice that and to answer to your question I won't go back to Steve as he never came to stop me after learning I'm pregnant even and yes I will be your girlfriend", I said "but are you sure about the baby I mean I would love you to the baby's daddy it's just I thought you would want to have kids of your own as you said you wanted 3 or 4 kids"

I was stopped by a kiss it was sweet not with lust and I felt that spark, the spark I never felt, after a while we pulled away for air "I know but your baby is my baby too so I love you both", he said. Then lifted my t-shirt and kissed my stomach, I giggled at his action and yawned.

"Someone's sleepy come on I'll take you to your room", "Can I sleep with you tonight I mean not sleep sleep with you but just sleep with you. I slept alone yesterday night and I was scared, I had nightmares I just want a cuddle and arms around me to know I am safe", I said. "Yes Y/N you can sleep with me. My room is yours you can move in anytime now come on", he said. With that he carried me to our bedroom and I felt safe again leading me to a peaceful night.

Did I hurry their relationship? or is it ok?


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