I am your husband..

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"Yep, it's just that you are living under a rock, I mean a lot happened in this past 4 yrs and you have to remember", Sam said and you nodded.

"Jarvis play the video", Tony said and a video feed popped up,

"How much do you like Y/N?", a voice of Tony Stark was heard probably from behind the glasses.

"I like her a lot", said Steve.

"What made you fall in love with her?"

"Well I saw a lot of aspects of Peggy in her, then I realized she was just like my first love"

"Ok umm... Will you die for her?"


The video ended and everyone towards Y/N, "Why is it showing like this?", she asked, "What do you mean honey?", Tony asked, "Dad please show me the original video", you said and he looked at you shocked.

"It is the original Y/N", "No dad I remember something else vaguely", you said,

"How much do you like Y/N?"

"I don't like her, I love her"

"What made you fall in love with her?

"She is Y/n, the way she is herself made me love her"

 "Will you die for her?"

"No, I would never do that to her, because there is no bigger pain than losing a loved one and I won't let her live with that pain ever"

Y/N said this; more like repeated, and everyone was shocked, it was true those were the words, but it wasn't said by Steve, it was said by SCOTT.

"What aren't I correct?", she asked, "You are but it was not said by Captain, it was said by umm..", Bucky stuttered, "Scott", you completed out of intuition.

Everyone was gaping at her again, "I am right aren't I?", you asked and nobody said anything, "Scott tell me the truth, you promised me you won't lie", you said looking at him.

"How do you know about that promise?", he asked, "I don't know but I remember some promises when I look at the ring and the first one was that you would never remove this ring and second one is you will never lie to me", you said and he teared up.

"You are remembering faster than we expected, maybe it's the babies, but you have to slowly remember it we can't pressurize you", Nat said.

"I won't feel pressured but tell me it's Scott who said those right? I am dating him aren't I", she asked and everyone looked at each other.

They came to a silent understanding that they have to take the risk, because one Scott was in too much pain and two Oliver can't be hid away from his mom.

"Yes", Scott said, "and no you are not dating Scott or that he is your lover", Wanda said and Y/N got confused, "Then? What is he to me?", she asked and everyone looked around and their eyes landed on Scott.

"Scott we have to do it, please", Pietro said and he nodded and took two rings from his pocket, "Y/N, I am not dating you or is your lover because...", he took a deep breath.

"Because I am you husband and we have been married for nearly 1 1/2 years", he said showing her the ring.

Only two more chapters left for this book to finish...


Steve Rogers x reader x Scott Lang: ACCEPTANCEWhere stories live. Discover now