Gender reveal party and the Talk

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~~ Two weeks later( on the day of gender reveal) ~~

You are 6 months and 1 week now.

After going to the ultrasound and finding the gender, which we don't know, I had called Nat and asked her whether she would help me with the gender reveal as we want it to be surprise. So she came over three days ago and now she knows the gender of the baby. The thing which surprised me was after knowing the gender she was screaming happily and started to tear up too, which I had never seen on that spy's face.

I have a feeling that the baby may be a girl as girls are outnumbered, so she is happy. But after I told Scott about this he was adamant on the baby being boy. It was weird on how he was more sure than myself, the MOTHER. Now I was getting ready( above dress and your favourite makeup, accessories etc.)

"Honey everyone is here!!", Scott called, he went downstairs earlier so he didn't see me. I hope he likes the dress I wore as my belly was protruding. "Coming, one sec!!", I called back.

Scott's Pov (yay a different pov)

Everyone was here, I was waiting for Y/N I didn't see her as I came down to check the decorations, which was really awesome and I hope she likes it.

I was talking with Bucky when he looked behind me and his jaw dropped to the floor, I turned to see Y/N in a white dress looking like an angel. What!?! angel is a understment, I can't even describe the way she looked, she was the most beautiful 'angel queen' in the whole multiverse. I am so lucky to have her..(for Scott is also it is same; when thinking underlined and italicized)

I didn't know I was staring at her until Y/N was in front of me waving a hand. "You look gorgeous, baby girl", I whispered in her ear and she blushed.

Your Pov again..

I came down and the noise died down, everyone was looking at me, but I was looking at Scott who had just turned around while talking with Bucky and now was staring at me. The decorations were so beautiful with light colors which I like and it made me much happier.

I walked towards Scott figuring that he is not gonna come to me as he was still drooling. I waved a hand in front of him breaking his trance. "You look gorgeous, baby girl", he said making me blush dang him he doesn't fail to make me smile even for a day even.

"So the mother-to-be is here, so shall we start", Nat asked breaking our 'alone time', I nodded quickly and searched for my next favourite person, well my first favourite person, my dad. I found him and rushed to give him a hug and felt myself tearing up a bit.

"Hey baby, how are you?", dad asked after pulling away from the hug, "I am fine dad Scott is looking after me like princess", I said. He nodded but I knew he found something going on between us, Wow great Y/N your are going to burst everything, "And dad?", "Hmm?", I want to tell you, actually everyone something", "Ok go on", "Well not now dad, after the guessing game, but promise you won't hate me", I said to him asking his promise.

"I will never hate my baby, so I promise whatever you say I won't hate you", my dad said and Nat called everyone to the middle of the room.

"Ok now we are gonna start with the guessing game, first we'll start with the mother herself", she said and I walked in front not knowing what to do. "You have to pick a badge from here, if you think it is a boy, then you have to choose the boy blue one and likewise for girl", she said explaining me the game.

I looked at the badges and they were really cute,..

I immediately picked the pink one and pinned it on my left side smirking at Scott, who himself was smirking back at me

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I immediately picked the pink one and pinned it on my left side smirking at Scott, who himself was smirking back at me. I walked back to where I was, next to Scott, "Now the father of the baby", Nat said and I stopped dead on my tracks.

Is Steve here? or did she mean Scott? does she know about us? shit I am screwed I thought and looked at Scott who had an equal terrified reaction like me. "What?!?", my dad asked looking at me with a confused look and a little bit of anger in his tone.

"Ya Y/N don't you have something to tell everyone", Nat asked with a smirk and I glared at her with full anger. I sighed, "Everyone I have something to tell you", "We have something to tell you", Scott said holding my hand and I looked into his eyes. He gave me a reassuring nod, "We are dating", I said.

There was an eerie silence, but that was broken by an applause from everyone, well except dad "at last", said Pietro. "Lang we need to talk", my dad said "Alone", he put pressure on those words, "Ooh someone's in trouble", Clint said receiving a glare from me and my dad. My dad and Scott went inside the room.

~~ 15 mins later ~~

It had been 15 mins and they are still not here, I am worried Nat was rubbing a hand in my back knowing my anxiousness. Suddenly the doors opened to reveal my dad and Scott walk out, Scott a bit nervous.

"Dad?", I looked at my dad questioning on whether he had approved Scott, "He has my full permission to date you", my dad said. Everyone cheered and Scott scooped me in his arms and hugged me, but I wasn't that happy, of course I was happy that dad approved us, I was more than happy, but his voice... My dad's voice broke when he said that and his eyes were glistening 'What happened in there?' 'My dad is so strong and has gone through the worst of worst but his voice has never faltered' 'Something is definitely wrong'

I look at dad and asked while walking towards him, "Daddy what's wrong?" "What do you mean honey?, I am perfectly fine, nothing's wrong", he said but his voice was still shaky. "Dad you know right that I can find if something is wrong with you? Tell me what is going on? Are you hurt? What happened in there?", I asked. By now everyone was looking at us

"No I am not hurt honey and inside that room Scott showed me the definition of love, I was wrong about Steve and these are my happy tears in my eyes.. see", he said pointing his eyes.

"If you are happy why is your voice shaking because my father, the TONY STARK has never faltered and today is the first time I heard that since I was born. I have heard you giving snarky comments back if something or someone hurt you, or talking something else if you are bored in a conversation, or talking fast and happily if a conversation interests you... and when I was born, I saw the footage from your files so don't ask me how but, When I was born you cried happy tears but when you talked to the doctors or anyone you voice didn't falter. So what actually did happen in there?", I asked my father looking straight into his eyes.

"We had a talk and in that I asked him the same questions I asked Steve but I got some answers I never expected. The questions were...."


What were the questions?

Why did Tony Stark get emotional?


Steve Rogers x reader x Scott Lang: ACCEPTANCEWhere stories live. Discover now