Final decisions

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We had decided the  final date, 23rd July(I selected a random month; so don't hate me if you don't like it), so today we are going to do the final decisions such as the wedding bride and maids dresses, Scott-tuxedo, the final decoration ideas and wedding rings.

I am going with the girls today for the bride and bridesmaid things including jewellery, makeup etc. So I got ready gave Oliver to my dad who was kind enough to take him today.

Nat and Wanda are coming today with me, while Bucky and Clint are going with Scott as Sam and Bucky are a deadly combination together, and today I am officially asking the girls to be my bridesmaid.

"Hey Scotty, who are you gonna ask to be your best men?", I asked Scott as I was getting ready to go out with the girls.

"I don't know Y/N, I always wanted to ask Bucky to be my best man, but another one is hard", he said a bit upset and distracted, "Why honey?", I asked knowing the reason, but wanting him to share it with me.

"Well it's just Clint has been my bestfriend since the first day I joined and Sam has also been my best friend since the first day he joined, it's hard and I don't want to mess it up", he said hugging me.

"If you don't mind can I tell who to chose, I mean my opinion?", I asked slowly, "Of course sweetheart you have equal rights just like me, so tell me", he said looking at me.

"Well, I would chose Clint", I said and before I could tell the reason Scott interrupted me, "Why? why not Sam?", he asked and I shook my head at his hastiness.

"Well if you would let me talk and finish it then you would understand", I said and he pointed his pointy finger in front of his mouth and nodded.

"Well I know Sam is your best friend and he will be a great best man too, but if you explore more into the relationship you had with these guys, remember how Clint was there with you from the pranks to fighting and till day, he fights next to you and supports you more than I do even", I said and looked at him to see him thinking.

"So when I think about those things I would chose Clint, but it's your decision", I said calling Nat to ask where she was, "Your right, thank you so much babygirl", he said kissing my cheek and running downstairs probably to call the guys.

"Hey Y/N we are on the way get ready quickly", Nat said.

"I am already ready, I am waiting", I said, "Oh ok we will be there in 5 minutes", "Ok bye", "Bye", she said hanging up.

I went downstairs and saw Scott hanging up too, "They are on the way what about the boys?", I asked, "Well they are also on the way", he said, "Ok so check the list again, attire- we are now going, venue- already done, date and time- decided, Oh my god Scott we forgot the cake", I said tensing up.

"Hey, hey don't worry, I'll get that too, after choosing the tux and the rings I will go for that, you check and finalize the decorators and the decorations", he said and I nodded and just at that time the bell rang.

"Ms.Stark, it seems Ms.Romanoff and Ms.Maximoff are on the door", Friday said, "Thanks Friday let them in", I said walking towards the door.

"Hey guys, come in", I said inviting them in, "No time Y/N, we have to go now I am so excited", Wanda said jumping up and down.

 "Wait guys before we go I have to ask you something, I mean you already know it but I want to ask it officially", I said and they nodded, "First slow down and breath", Nat said and I nodded this time.

"Well guys I want to ask you... Ok will you guys do me the honor of being my bridesmaid?", I asked and they were shocked first, but then they started to laugh.

"Even if you wouldn't have asked, we would be the one and would have killed you if you had chose anyone else", Nat threatened playfully but we all laughed together.

"Of course Y/n", they said together and we all laughed again, "But if you guys stay here and talk forever, you might be late", a voice said behind us. I turned to see Scott leaning on the doorway, "How long were you standing there?", I asked, "Long enough to hear everything", he said and I stuck my tongue out.

"Ok guys you can play after your wedding now Y/N come on", Nat said and I quickly kissed Scott and went to Nat's car.

  The day went on faster than I expected, we chose the dresses, went to check the decorations and finalize the decorators, went to the jewel shop and finally went to the makeup lady and finalized the date with her.

Now we were on the way back home, "So Y/N where are you going to say the day before wedding, definitely not with Scott, you come to the Stark Tower", Wanda said.

"But isn't Steve there?", I asked a bit worried, "Well not really next month Steve is going on a solo mission and it will take him at least 2 months to return", Nat said, "Oh ok then I will come to the tower, but what about Scott", I asked.

"Well he can stay at the house with his best men", Wanda said and I nodded....

(The wedding invitation card and don't worry the address is a random one but the backyard is the place of wedding)

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(The wedding invitation card and don't worry the address is a random one but the backyard is the place of wedding)

So do you like the invitation card?

I know I said this is the wedding chapter but it was too long with this so I divided this into two.

I haven't received any votes on the dresses, so I am choosing what I chose first?

The next chapter will be two days later as I mentioned before, I don't update on week ends.


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