First Meeting, Pranks and First Ultrasound

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Flashback to when you met

I was in the S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters walking through the hallway to the meeting room. Today they were recruiting the new avengers including myself other than the original six avengers. The avengers only consisted of the OG team for five to six years now and Fury had planned to add more. I have turned 20 now and with a lot protests from my dad and lots of begging from me I was accepted to join the avengers. I was trained by the Russian assassin herself and I am really good at it by now.

I went to the room and opened the door to see only 4 new recruits were there except me. There was Bucky, he and dad made up after me and Nat locked them in the room and told to sort it out that figures why he is here, Of course there was Uncle Loki, I told my dad to give him a chance I knew he has changed after 2012 and he was under control all those time. Then there was Peter Parker the Spidey boy dad says about I think he is too young, 15 I think, then I saw them, the electric blue eyes. I have seen everyone's file report he must be Scott Lang the Ant Man, age 23. He smiled at me and I blushed that's where our friendship or something more sparked.

End Flashback.

 "That day was the best you were exactly like your father and Fury was annoyed by it", Scott said and we both laughed.

Flashback to pranks

Nat's- I knew that Nat hated a certain type of Toothpaste smell so I wanted to prank her with it. I applied the toothpaste on the earpiece of her phone with the help of ofc Clint and Scott. I am the genius's daughter so I know how to conceal a prank without others finding out therefore applied the paste in a way no one could see it. After that I left the phone where it was and hid behind the wall and started to call her. She came and picked it up and kept it in her ears when she felt something squish. She touched it and saw what it was and started to scream our names. She knew that it was us, we acted like we didn't know anything and asked what happened innocently but what we saw made us laugh. Due to the force she applied on her phone when attending it, the toothpaste not only was on her ears but also on her favourite hair and part of her cheek. We laughed so hard and thought she would do something to us, like kill us but instead she laughed along with us.

Bucky's-  This was Scott's plan and I thought it was genius. The plan was awesome since Bucky is out of time he wouldn't understand this easily. Bucky was in the shower so we snuck into his room and snuffed some cloth into Bucky's shoes in a way it looked like it was part of the footwear. Then we left the room, we saw Bucky trying to wear his shoes so hard but it wouldn't let his feet in. I knew that he had to go to the avengers meeting everyone had. We three left to the meeting and waited for Bucky and when we saw him we laughed so bad that others thought we had knocked our heads somewhere and also got caught to Bucky that we did something because we were the only people laughing in the whole room. He was wearing a shoe he found on the way I think, but it wasn't any shoe it was Nat's Ballet shoes. But instead of doing something bad he wasn't angry at all instead he laughed along with us.

End of flashback 

We were laughing so hard on the couch that if Scott wasn't holding me I would have fallen off the couch. "Who knew some badass Russian assassins could enjoy some dumb pranks on them. By the way your plan on Bucky was genius baby, that was the best", I said and saw Scott looking at me with a smile "What?!", "You called me baby", he said and then it hit me, "I'm sorry Scott it's just we were so comfortable with each other it just slipped, if you don't like it I won't call you that", I said.

"No I love it and you can call me anything baby girl", he said. I smiled at him lovingly and looked at the time 11.20, "Come on baby we have to go it will be perfect if we leave now we will be there at correct time", "Ok I'll just grab the keys", he said. We got on to the car and now we are on our way to doc's appointment.

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