The Baby is Here...

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Since it's the birth time you won't be probably wearing any dresses other than hospital clothes according to my knowledge. So the above baby is your baby boy...

3 months later!! Which means 9 months in total..

I was sitting in the armchair and reading a book while Scott was in the kitchen preparing our lunch. It was 11.00a.m and today was Scott's birthday, I wanted to throw a party for him but he denied as my due date was yesterday and the baby might arrive anytime now. I hoped the baby would have arrived yesterday as I was planning to buy Scott something, so the baby would also be here, although they wouldn't allow me to leave soon after birth.

"Honey where is the salt?", Scott asked, "It's on the top shelf", I said getting up to go and see what's going on in there. I have to admit that these 6 months has been the most happiest and yet peaceful days in my life.

I started walking to the kitchen as I felt something trickle down my legs, water? Did I spill some water?, I thought but I was soon opposed to my thought as I felt my first contraction. I held onto my belly/stomach, "SCOTT!!", I screamed.

Scott came running towards me sensing what had happened, "Is it time?", he asked, and since my hormones were haywire and also since I was in pain my reply was umm...., "IS IT TIME?!? MY WATER BROKE YOU DAFT DUMBO!! CAN'T YOU SEE?", I shouted holding my stomach and breathing heavily.

Scott's Pov(I don't know about the pain of the birth other than it is extremely painful; so I changed pov's)

Wrong question at a wrong time Scott, I told myself, "Sorry babygirl, I'll get the bag", I said rushing to the baby's room and quickly picked the bag which had the essential stuff.

"I'll call your dad sweetheart, all I want you to do is breath deeply", I said in the car calling Mr.Stark.

"What do you want Lang? I am in avengers meeting which you should be here in", the other side asked who probably had forgot about 'the baby coming anytime now' situation.

"It's time, 'Code save my life'", I said quickly; it was a code everyone planned we would use at the time of baby arriving as we all agreed we don't want Steve to know and he has super hearing, "Ahhh..", Y/N screamed as probably another contraction hit her.

"Shit!!", he said, "We are coming", he said and hung up.

Tony's Pov

We were in avengers meeting, when Scott called, everyone looked at me but Nat and Bucky were more a bit attentive, I feel like I am forgetting something.

"Answer the call Stark", Fury said and I did...

~~ After the phone conversation ~~

Bucky and Nat were already up and heading towards the door, probably Bucky knowing due to super hearing and Nat is probably a ex-assassin a.k.a a spy.

 I quickly stood up and told, "'Code save my life' ",and everyone except Steve understood standing up, but I stopped them. "Guys you can come later, now me Romanoff and Barnes will go, as everyone won't be allowed. You all finish the meeting and come", I said walking towards the door.

Others tried to protest but Fury stopped it, "Stark's right, we will go in an hour after the meeting finishes", he said and I thanked him.(Yes Fury knows; he is practically your grandfather)

"Wait", Steve said who blinked out of his confusion, "Where are you three going? What is this Code save my life? and whose scream was that I heard?", he questioned. I felt anger boil inside me, he was the reason for all this, "None of your business, captain", I said.

Ever since the incident I stopped calling him Steve or Rogers and kept it only professional, well not only me but everyone including Bucky which shocked me, but later I found out the reason and I was really happy that I obtained such a good friend.

"If you don't mind us, we have somewhere important to go, captain", Nat said, "and don't come with the others too captain",  Bucky completed. God!! those two are made for each other(yep Winter-widow people)

With that we left, running towards one of my car and before I could get on to the driver's seat Nat beat me to it, I can't argue with her now so I let her.

~~ At the hospital ~~

Scott's Pov

Y/N was in the labor room along with me, the nurse said she was 5cm dilated which frustrated her more and seeing in pain hurts me.

 I was talking to her about what we will do after the baby arrives, trying to make her forget the pain which I know cannot be done.

15 minutes passed like this when she screamed again due to another contraction and started breathing heavily.

I quickly called the nurse and told her to check whether she is ready, and she told me that she is 8cm apart now which is quick for her and in another 10 to 15 minutes she will be ready to push.

I told Y/N what the nurse told quickly and she breathed hard but nodded, and suddenly the door burst open to reveal the three frightened/anxious avengers.

"Daddy!!",Y/N called her dad who along with other two rushed next to her, "Yes honey, I am here, Lang why is my daughter in so much pain tell the doctors to take the baby out", he demanded at me and I was shocked for minute.

"They said we can start pushing in 15 mins", I said and the others nodded.

~~ 15 mins later ~~(I am sorry I don't know what to write; also I am lazy)

The nurse along with a head doctor, Professor Malone and another doctor, Professor Abraham came in and Dr.Malone checked, "Well she is 10cm dilated which means if you are ready we can start pushing", she said and we both nodded.

"Other than the baby's dad can others please wait outside", Dr.Abraham asked and the other three left giving us a nod with Stark kissing Y/N on the forehead.

~~ Nearly three hours later with lot of pushing and screaming ~~

So Y/N has successfully delivered our baby boy who was now covered in blankets and laying in my arms(the above picture).

He suddenly opened his eyes with a small yawn and looked at me with his light blue eyes like mine, even though it was more like Steve's I had blue eyes too(also yours if you have blue eyes; and also I don't want to describe how the baby looks as I don't know how you all look and all so just think the above picture),"Hey baby, I am your daddy", I said and he laughed at me.

"Mr. Lang there are people outside demanding to be let in", the nurse said looking a bit star struck, "Oh yeah tell them to come in", I said and saw that Y/N was awake and looking at us.

"Oh you are awake, how long were you up?", "Not long I was looking at the most beautiful scenery you know. Now hand me my baby", she said playfully.

"Hey baby boy, I am your mamma, I am gonna love you aren't I?", Y/N played with our boy and he laughed and yawned slowly drifting to sleep. Y/N then looked at me, "Happy Birthday Scotty, sorry we couldn't go anywhere and I wanted to give you something", she said tearing up.

"Don't cry babygirl, you gave me the best gift no one could ever receive, our son. I am really happy and thank you for that. I love you so much", I said kissing her. "I love you too", she replied after breaking our kiss.

No One's Pov

"Where is my grandson?", Tony called barging into the room and the couple suddenly tensed and shushed them to find their baby boy still sleeping tight.

Everyone carried him and Scott was a bit conscious about bacteria and germs, but let them after finding they were properly sanitized before letting into the room. 

"So guys what are you naming him?", asked Nat who had the baby now..

The couples looked at each other and said..

"Oliver Lucas Lang"

So did you like the name?

Should I write how the Code name came up?


Steve Rogers x reader x Scott Lang: ACCEPTANCEWhere stories live. Discover now