Announcement and Shopping

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This happens 3 months after the proposal and no one still no knows except Nat and Wanda.

Today we, me Scott and Oliver, are going to the Stark Tower to announce about the proposal and we have decided that even if Steve is here, we are gonna do it. It's just I am scared that Steve might do something to Oliver or Oliver will be taken away from me and Scott.

"Scotty, can you grab Oliver, I'll get the baby carrier and the bag", I shouted from our room as Scott had already gone to change Oliver, "Already on it", he replied making me smile.

I went downstairs to see Scott having Oliver in his arms trying to make him say 'dada' although babies at least take 10-12 months to say words. Oliver was laughing at Scott's attempt and clapping his hands. I quickly captured a picture seeing the cute interaction between them, which made both of them look at me.

"Hey babygirl, how long are you standing there?", he asked as Oliver made grabby hands towards me and I grabbed him. "Not long", I said giving him a kiss and walking towards the vehicle.

~~ At Stark tower ~~

Scott carried Oliver in the baby carrier and held my hand as I was thinking on backing out, "Don't worry I am here, I won't let anyone or anything hurt you or Oliver", he said reassuring and I saw that he was wearing his watch.

It wasn't any ordinary watch, me and Scott modified the suit into that watch so that when he taps it twice his suit will cover him.

It wasn't any ordinary watch, me and Scott modified the suit into that watch so that when he taps it twice his suit will cover him

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(This is the watch)

I also wore my bracelet which was a necklace of sort, but it seemed too prominent and was able to be seen by everyone so again, me and Scott designed my suit into the bracelet in which when I press the purple stone the suit pops out.

I also wore my bracelet which was a necklace of sort, but it seemed too prominent and was able to be seen by everyone so again, me and Scott designed my suit into the bracelet in which when I press the purple stone the suit pops out

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(The necklace but this design in front)

(The necklace but this design in front)

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Steve Rogers x reader x Scott Lang: ACCEPTANCEWhere stories live. Discover now