The Date

385 10 5

Y/F/M- your favourite mall

When Scott was in the shower I went to the living room and called dad since I wanted tell dad about the ultrasound and about the gender reveal party also. I dialed his number,

"Hello Y/N?"

"Hey dad, how are you?"

"I'm fine Honey how are you? How is the baby? Did you go to the doctor's today? How did Scott react? Is he fine with you staying there?", he kept on questioning me without letting me answer.

"Dad let me talk", "Sorry honey its just everyone miss you here but, mostly me", I know that I am dad's world and I only understand it and he is feeling lonely without me. "Everyone?", I questioned actually not wanting the answer.

"Honey I know you miss Steve but.... he is with Sharon now, he has moved on", he said shocking me. He is with Sharon? WOW. "I don't miss him dad actually I am not hurt even, I think I have had enough of his 'Not like Peggy' shit", I said.

"Now answer my questions madam", he said in a playful authoritative tone which made me laugh, I miss him.

"So dad I'm fine, the baby is fine, I went to the doctor's and found out I was 11 weeks already, Scott actually reacted pretty well I mean he didn't hate me nor say anything hurtful.... He accepted me and the baby dad, and he is fine with me staying here", I said remembering the questions, "11 weeks? wow the baby is coming soon", he said reminding me of the baby shower/gender reveal.

"Ah! yes dad I forgot we want to have a gender reveal party in another 10 weeks, we'll tell you the date and all but I wanted to tell you that I don't want to invite Steve. Is it ok?", "That's your wish honey if it is fine with you its fine with all of us", "But dad he will be with you guys all the time, what should I do?", I asked nervously.

"By the way who do you mean by 'we'?"," Scott dad", "Is there something you wanna tell me honey?", he is a genius why didn't I remember that "Dad I will surely tell everyone on the gender reveal but now tell me what should I do?", I asked again.

"Oh yeah! right don't worry honey Steve is going on a mission on May 5th or something and he will be out for two or three months.(Just think it's March)", he said and I sighed in relief.

"Thank you so much dad I have to go now. Bye, Love you 3000 and tell everyone I love them too."

"Bye honey, Love you 3000 too and sure will", he said and I hung up. I turned and saw Scott already dressed and was on the doorway leaning and looking at me with a smile.

"Hey", "Hey yourself", he replied, "What are you doing here and when did you finish shower?", I asked, "Mmm... about 5 mins since I came from shower, now go get ready for the date", he said and I quickly hopped into the shower and wore my dress(above) with some light makeup which I am wearing for the first since I came here and started wearing my chain as I already had put on the earrings.

I felt a hand behind me helping me with the hook, I knew it was Scott he put the chain on and kissed my neck, "You are looking beautiful sweetheart", he whispered sending chills down my spine.

I turned to look at him, "You don't look bad yourself handsome", I said.

I turned to look at him, "You don't look bad yourself handsome", I said

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Steve Rogers x reader x Scott Lang: ACCEPTANCEWhere stories live. Discover now