Home Sweet Home

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Y/F/B/P- Your favourite burger place.

Y/F/B- Your favourite burger.

Y/F/D- Your favourite drink

We were on our way to Scott's house, it was situated in the countryside with a peaceful environment and it was a remote place, that's why I chose that place, it was home sweet home anyone could wish for. We were driving in his vehicle which I gave it to him on his 25th birthday. It was his favourite vehicle. Our ride there was unusually silent as I didn't know what to say. Should I tell him now? What will his reaction be? If he doesn't like it will he send me out of his home and life? Will he hate me? Will he accept my decision on leaving Steve? Will he hate Steve? such thoughts were running in my mind, while Scott was talking.

Suddenly a hand was waving in front of me, "Earth to Y/N" I blinked out of my trance, "huh?", "What was going in that mind of yours?", he asked. Should I tell him now, no it's better if I tell when we get home he is driving he might get disturbed. "I was just thinking, I'll tell you when we get home", "Yah you already told me that", he said. I was nervous.

I think he saw that, "Don't worry Y/N whatever happened and whatever your gonna say I'm never ever gonna hate you or leave you like Steve", he said. I was shocked as I didn't tell him anything yet but still found out me and Steve weren't together still.

"How did you find out that me and Steve aren't together?", I asked. "I know you Y/N, you don't easily leave the Stark tower because they are your family and also when you said your goodbyes I saw that Steve wasn't there", he paused "if you had left him he would have been there to stop you, but he wasn't so he left you or did something bad", he said.

"He cheated on me with Sharon", I blurted suddenly not thinking and he also suddenly hit the brakes. "WHAT?!!?", he yelled, "He cheated you for that bitch?", he said. He knows about Sharon and what she does to me usually and he hates her as she tried to flirt with him too once when we met in S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters. I nodded my head low, "I'm gonna kill him, you should've told me when we were there", he said, "I can't Scotty, I couldn't stay near him but I can't break the avengers family", I said. Scott is also an avenger but he doesn't live in Avengers facility(duh!) but I think he understood. 

He started driving again when he said, "Have you eaten your lunch?", he asked and I shook my head no. "We are going to eat now then we go home where you will explain this mess you are in", he said "What do you want to eat?", he asked.

My cravings were high now and I felt like eating something like fast food which I don't eat mostly. Even though I like fast foods I usually eat healthy as it was helpful for both my health and when I am on missions I feel energetic when I eat healthy also I love healthy foods I don't know why. "I want burger", I said.

"Woah who are you? what have you done to my bestfriend?", Scott asked sarcastically but still driving to Y/F/B/P which I think I went a month ago or so. "You will know soon Scotty", I said. We went through the drive through as I don't like sitting and eating usually and now I hated small type of smell even, which made me having it there hate more.

Scott ordered Y/F/B and Y/F/D as well as his, you smiled as he drove to pay on next station thinking how he still remembered your favourite food. He saw that and asked, "What are you smiling at?", he asked. "You still remember my fav burger", "Of course I do, I will never forgot anything about you, sweetheart. You are the best thing that ever happened to me in my life", he said.    

This made my heart flutter which also made me scared as I didn't  want to catch feelings for him again. What if he leaves me after learning I am pregnant with a cheater's child? What if he doesn't like me back? All above, the most thing which made me worry was he thought I am the best thing happened to him but I never messaged him once in this two years even these thoughts made me cry. "what's wrong Y/N? Did I say something wrong?", he panicked.

Maybe my pregnancy hormones made me like him again and it is definitely making me cry, "You didn't say anything wrong, you are being too caring, don't be like that sometimes you may not be able to accept everything about someone", I said.

"Sweetheart what is life without acceptance? huh? Accepting someone and trusting someone are same. You have to accept the person to trust them and without trust it will make them strangers. I trust you with my life so remember I accept all of you, even your flaws", he said when we pulled over next to his house.

 I trust you with my life so remember I accept all of you, even your flaws", he said when we pulled over next to his house

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(Scott's house)

When he joined avengers he got a job in a company with the help of S.H.I.E.L.D so he bought this house, when I said it will be perfect for a family of 5 or 6 and he wanted such a family. He had said, that he wanted 3 or 4 children just like me.

We were walking through the doorway to kitchen to get ready to eat when I said, "Thank you Scotty for being there when I needed you", "Always sweetheart", he said. "Now go change into something comfortable I'll get ready with the lunch", he said and I nodded. I took my things and went to my room, which I stayed for some time when he bought it and needed help arranging. It all looked the same as it was and it made me happy at the familiarity.

I quickly changed into my pjs and went downstairs to see Scott bringing lunch to the living area.

I quickly changed into my pjs and went downstairs to see Scott bringing lunch to the living area

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(The living room and your bedroom)

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(The living room and your bedroom)

You looked at him with confusion as you know that Scott doesn't like sitting in the living room when eating. "I know but today I want to listen to the story I have been wanting to hear it for hours and it is also the one which you are scared to tell, which isn't your character", he said walking past me carrying our plates. "By the way you look cute in those pjs", he said turning to look at me after keeping the plates on the table(or whatever you say) which made me blush different shades of red.

He chuckled at me when I walked towards him and went too close to him but turned and took the plate and sat down in the couch eating it.



Steve Rogers x reader x Scott Lang: ACCEPTANCEWhere stories live. Discover now