Baby Girl

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I woke up to see a woken up Scott looking at me stroking my hair, "Morning Sweetheart", he said in his morning raspy voice. Wow he sounded sexy in mornings, "Morning handsome", I said snuggling closer to him, but not long enough I felt nauseous. I quickly got out of his grip and ran into the bathroom and started throwing up. Scott also immediately came after me and held me and was rubbing soothing circles in my back when I was throwing up . After I was done I brushed my teeth , washed my face and waited, for Scott who went after I was done throwing up, in our bed. 

That's when only I noticed Scott's room, it was obviously bigger than mine but it was still the same as it was when I helped him move in. It was tidy and beautiful, I also noticed a frame near the bedside in the lamp table I went closer and looked at the picture and smiled. It was me and him in that picture, but it wasn't a normal picture it was us laughing like idiots but I noticed it now only... Scott was looking at me laughing.

 Scott was looking at me laughing

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(This is Scott's bedroom)

(Similar to this but without the plane behind and it's you and Scott)

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(Similar to this but without the plane behind and it's you and Scott)

I felt two arms snake around me and I jumped but thank god I didn't drop the picture, I turned my head and saw Scott with his head on my shoulders, "That was a good picture, you were laughing freely as if you don't give a shit about what's happening in the world and I loved it", he said. "I know Scotty I miss those times where I don't have to worry about anything, who my dad is, who I am even, I am just a normal girl laughing in freely at a stupid joke said by her stupid best friend", I said and laughed.

"Hey!! That wasn't stupid and if it was why did you laugh so hard and this stupid best friend is the only person who you can't live without? huh?", he asked "well the stupidity in joke only made me laugh and yah maybe I can't live without you but I have dad and others too you know", I said laughing while he was looking at you smiling, "What?!", I asked. "It's good to have you back Y/N", he said I smiled and kissed him "You only brought me back", I said and we kissed again shortly.

"Now come on breakfast is ready made by the chef himself", he said bowing after we broke and I laughed at his action. "What did you make?", I asked hoping to eat sweet pancakes but I would be fine with something sweet. "Surprise but don't worry I have every other types of food for you cravings too if you don't want to eat what I made. I mean I respect your cravings so don't worry I won't feel bad if you don't want to eat what I made.", he said before I could ask for the same thing, "Thank you Scott for respecting my feelings, but I will love anything you give me", I said with an awe in my face at Scott's love.

We made to the dining area and he made me sit down in front of a plate and opened the lid. Wow this going to be delicious and it is just like I wanted I thought. In front of me was the best and most beautifully presented breakfast ever.

 In front of me was the best and most beautifully presented breakfast ever

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Yes he served me my favourite sweet pancakes which I was craving to eat. He sat down next to me with a similar food and looked at me and gestured me to eat. I nodded and took a bite mmm... it was the best breakfast I ever had , "I love it Scott it's really delicious", I said. He smiled at me and we started eating the rest of the breakfast. I took our plates to the sink and started washing the dishes, "Do we have any plans today?", he asked. Then only I remembered that I had told dad to book for the doctor's appointment today. "I have a doctor's appointment today, if you want you can come", I said walking to the living room where Scott was.

"I would love to at what time is it?", I looked at the message from my dad "At 12.00 in the noon" I looked at the wall clock it was 9.30 now, "I'll go get ready then we can sit and talk for some time", I said "I'll also get ready then", he said and went to our room and I went to get my clothes from my room, Thank gods I haven't unpacked I took my bags into our room and saw Scott wasn't there and I heard the water running.

At the meantime I picked my outfit and one for Scott from his closet and sat down in our bed with my phone. I called Nat,

"OMG Y/N how are you? you didn't call me yesterday? are you alright?", She bombarded me with questions.

"I am fine, sorry and yes I'm alright Scott is looking after me like a princess", I said and heard "Nah like a queen for who she really is", and I turned to see Scott in his towel covering his lower body. I was drooling he is hot, "Like what you see?", he asked with a smirk. I blushed and said I have to go to Nat. "Oooh", Nat said and before she could say anything I hung up.

Scott chuckled and looked at the clothes I kept for him, "I thought you would like to wear that, that's why I picked it out for you", I said walking towards the bathroom, "Don't worry I love it now go take shower before I join you", he said teasingly. I blushed, closed the door and started stripping stepping into the shower. After the shower I quickly dressed and looked at the time, 10.45. We can leave at 11.30 then we will be there perfectly at the appointment time.

I went downstairs to see Scott already ready sitting in the couch flipping through the channels, I walked towards him and sat on his lap with my head on his chest. He was surprised at first but then wrapped his arms around me, "Wow you look beautiful sweetheart", he said, "You don't look bad yourself handsome", I said and he wrapped his arms around me tighter.

  I snuggled closer to him and drifted to my own thoughts, the day we first met and the pranks we did along with Clint to others and now look at me on his lap, O feel like I'm the happiest women on earth. "What are you thinking baby girl?", he said interrupting my thoughts, I blushed at his nickname and asked, "baby girl?", "Don't you like it? if you don't I'll stop calling you that", he said. "No I love it, I love all the nicknames you give me it's just I am surprised", I said.

"So are you gonna tell me what you were thinking or keep on day dreaming?", "I was thinking about the first day we met and the pranks we did together with Clint and how I am now the happiest women on earth.. no whole universe. It was fun and thinking back I think I fell in love with you when we did a prank to Nat and Bucky, we fooled the people who no one thought we could", I said. I know it is hard to break the walls of those two but we did and they didn't take revenge on us instead they also laughed along with us.

"I'm definitely sure I fell in love with you the first day I met you but true the pranks were absolutely funny", he said making me blush again.

Cliffhanger!!! Sorry I love cliffhangers.

So how did Y/N and Scott meet? What was the prank which made the Russian assassins laugh even though they were pranked? 


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