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Only your pov

I ran into Natasha's arms and broke down. She held me tight but her body had tensed which means she is literally ready to kill anyone but still to calm me down she whispered soothing things in my ears not knowing what happened. I saw from the corner of my eyes that dad had summoned his suit and was currently in it a, Clint with his bow and arrow ready to shoot any time and Bruce a bit green. Thank gods Uncle Thor and Loki weren't here or else this would have been a battlefield.

"What happened?, Nat asked but I couldn't answer as I was choking on my tears trying to calm down. Nat becomes overprotective when it comes to me because when she learned she can't have kids she always thought me as her own and even I considered her as my mom but never called her that because she was my first girl best friend too.

Before I could answer the Maximoff twins along with Bucky came into the room. Wanda quickly came to my side after seeing the scene and asked Nat what happened, and got a I don't know response. Therefore, she looked me and nodded her head at me. I know what it meant she wanted to look through my head and she always asks permission, I couldn't answer so I nodded my head.

 She looked into my head and I saw a tear fall from her eyes, but I saw one thing in her eyes which scared me and pretty much everyone, rage. The rage in her eyes was the one I had never seen since we became close or before that even. The others asked, "What did you see Wanda?", without answering using her powers she sent red mist(you know what I mean) towards everyone and showed them what she had seen.

Everyone was furious from their looks and my dad was on the peak. I know that since I was a child I was my father's first priority, he went from playboy to never getting married for me but I had convinced him so he is with Pepper right now. He called J, "Jarvis call Rogers and tell him to get his ass here RIGHT NOW" he shouted. I was taken to sit in the cushion with Wanda and Nat still comforting me and I know that Wanda was using her powers to calm me down as I was feeling a little less 'broken'.

I heard the elevator ding. Nat and Wanda stood up, and all of a sudden everyone in the room charged towards Steve. I turned to see everyone pointing their weapons or are ready to use their powers, I panicked I can't let them harm Steve, even though I wanted to.

"Stop" I said, they didn't hear, "STOP" I shouted they all put their defense down and looked at me with confusion. "Let him explain first, I want to know the reason why he did that", I am very practical, as my dad says and I don't jump into conclusions and well that seems to be true. "Rogers you have 5 minutes to explain for what you did before I blast you", my dad warned calmly and as far as I know he had never warned anyone like this, he was calm and I know everyone was shocked like me.

He looked into my eyes, and I wanted to cry because one, I didn't feel the spark I felt before and two, I couldn't feel love I only felt betrayal. It had died, our love had died, "I am sorry Y/N, I thought you were more like Peggy but you are not that's why I did this, to change my mind and occupy it with something else", he said looking down, I felt anger bubbling inside me." That is the REASON YOU CAN COME UP WITH Rogers? huh? You were with me the whole time because you expected me to be like PEGGY. You know what, I thought we were over this, each time you said Peggy I tried to keep myself together but this is it, if you love Peggy so much I can call Dr. Strange and do something to send you back. Because after all that I had done to you, I was with you in your missions. I loved you, I comforted you when you had nightmares of past, I supported your ideas when others thought second about it, I went out on dates with you, I even slept with you and because of that I am pregnant now and all you expect is me to be like Peggy", I said.

Everyone had a shock expressions, I had just realized what I had said, "You are PREGNANT?", my dad asked, I couldn't say anything because of guilt so I just nodded.

Everyone was trying to process everything and then only I saw Uncle Thor and Loki near the elevator. I quickly ran into Uncle Loki's arms and sobbed, he is like a soft caring mother whereas Uncle Thor is like an overprotective father who had rushed to Steve and held him by the neck, strangling him. I summoned Mjolnir which he had put down I think when he came in and said, "Uncle Thor stop", I was found worthy when I was 10 so no one was shocked.

Uncle Loki had let go of me by now, "Brother if you don't kill him I will, I don't think anyone needs such a Captain for their team", he said unleashing his two daggers. No one protested for their captain but that's when I realized he is the Captain for the team, a vital member for them, THE AVENGERS, I can't break them. So I said , "Everyone stop and listen to me" they looked at me and Uncle Thor had put Steve down, "He is your Captain I am not going to break that, you people should always remain as a team, a family. Steve I am sorry for whatever I did to make you hate me, but we are done and I don't want you near this baby so I am going away." Steve didn't even talk or look at me he whispered a 'I'm sorry' and left with Bucky behind him.

"Where are you going?", dad asked. I thought for some time and that's when I remembered Scott, my bestfriend and a long lost crush of sort who I hadn't seen in two years, as I was in a tangled relationship which was enough to make me forget him. "I am going to Scott's I'll call him and ask if it is ok with him and Hope and I want you all to promise that you won't tell Steve where I went and Jarvis you too, just transfer the last 10 mins into my personal file and unauthorize everything I authorized Steve of the Starks ", I said and everyone nodded. Scott and Hope were in a relationship when I last saw them two years ago, "ok miss Stark and authorization cancelled" Jarvis said.

"You can come to Asgard with us, we will look after you and the baby. After all they are our grandchild, so come with us" Uncle Thor said, "Thank you uncle Thor but I want to have this baby here on Earth and I want to meet my best friend too." With that I went to my previous bedroom alone for the night seeing how the time has gone fast and later that night Nat bought me the dinner. I ate it and slept thinking on how I broke up with the one who I thought was going to be my life and it is on our second year anniversary which made it harder. Well I had lost my peaceful sleep that night.

Hope you found out the answers for the previous questions.

So Y/N is Pregnant. What will happen when Scott gets to know this. Will she be able to raise the baby as a single parent or will she find someone who loves her as who she really is? Stick on to to find more.

Words- 1363

Steve Rogers x reader x Scott Lang: ACCEPTANCEWhere stories live. Discover now