Ultrasound and photoshoot

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~~ 8 and a 1/2 weeks later, on the day of your ultrasound( baby gender) ~~ sorry to skip but I didn't know what else to write.

Me and Scott has grown closer than ever through the past few weeks, we are so comfortable with each other sometimes we forget about our normal lives. Scott has got a promotion in his job, which made me happier than anyone else, I resumed my work as the CEO of Stark industries, yes that is my company since Pepper broke up with dad( not civil war).

Today was the day we get to know the gender, we were still bickering about the baby's gender, so today was the day our bickering stops, I have a big belly for a five month which worried me whether the baby was babies. I don't want to have twins of the cheater, he has moved on, proposed Sharon and I am happy since he didn't bother about us. Scott and me are happy, he's looking me after me like a princess. I was ready and waiting for Scott to show up,

"Scott honey we are getting late", I called, "Coming!", he called back and after a minute he was downstairs with my promise ring, which I removed when I was in the shower not wanting to lose it. "Someone forgot something, you broke my promise", he said holding his chest playfully and acting hurt.

But for some reasons it hurt me, those words of me breaking his promise to me, hurt and I started to tear up, "Oh I am sorry sweetheart I didn't mean to say that, I am really sorry baby please don't cry", he said wiping my tears after seeing me tear up. He never got fed up of me seeing me cry for small things instead as promised he always comforted me, I never asked why  knowing the answer already. "Scott I need you to promise me one more thing when you wear this on my finger again", I said, he looked up, "anything", he said looking at me with so much love, "I want you to promise that whatever happens you shouldn't remove our promise rings, you can remove any other rings or accessories but not the promise rings", I said as he held me close to him by my waist. "I promise you Y/N whatever happens I would never remove our promise rings", he said wearing my ring again.

"Now shall we go, we were already late, we have to go for me to prove that you are wrong", he said making me laugh, "We'll see about that", I said holding his hand with one hand and my stomach with the other.

~~ At the hospital ~~

We were outside waiting to be called, we weren't exactly waiting, we were 'bickering and waiting'. The thing about our bickering was it was for fun, it's not like a real fight, we laugh after some point, "You know this baby boy is going to be loved more than anyone", Scott said, "Don't you mean baby girl", I said, "Uhuh... you heard me correct it's baby boy", he said, "Mother's instinct here says baby girl", I said even though I had a feeling that it was a boy, "Mother's instinct bullshit, I am Ant man", he whispered the last part and I hit his arm playfully for swearing "I know that this is baby boy", "What is this to do with ant man", I said and we were continuing this until,

"Miss Stark?", the receptionist called, we got up and went inside laughing at our childishness. We were in the ultrasound room now, "Ok miss Stark you know how you will feel", our doctor said and I nodded. I felt that cool gel on my lower stomach, "Ok miss Stark from this I can see that you are 20 weeks, which means 5 months and the baby seems to be healthy for a 5 month", she said and I was relived knowing that 1- only one baby, 2- the baby was healthy, "Well I can tell you the gender or can write it in the report, if you want it to be surprise", she said and I looked at Scott, "write it on the report please", we both said together and laughed at our timing, "As you wish", she said leaving the room giving us five pictures of the ultrasound.

"Why did you say her to write on the report", Scott asked while walking back, "I could ask you the same thing", I said, "Well I asked first", "Ok I said that because I want to wait till the gender reveal, like everyone I want to be surprised and want to prove you wrong in front of everyone", I said making him laugh, "Me too but honey you are the one whose gonna be wrong and I am sorry for you as it is in front of the avengers", he said making both of us laugh. We took the reports and we were on our way back.

 ~~ in the car ~~

"Scott?", "Yes baby girl?", "I want to do a photoshoot for this baby, I want to remember this period of life too", I said a bit nervous on what he would say. "As you wish baby girl", he said not failing to make me happy, "and honey?", I said again making him chuckle, "yes baby girl?", he said again, "We have to tell everyone about us on the the day of gender reveal", I said nervously "Oh god I hope you dad doesn't kill me", he said, "Last time when me and Steve told everyone about our relationship, my dad took him away privately and asked him some questions, I don't know what they are but he approved after he came back", I said, "Oh god hope he allows me to be with you too, I don't know what I would do without both of you", he said "I love you", "I love you too" he said and we kissed quickly.

~~ at the house ~~

I saw some people staying outside the house, I guess waiting for us but I couldn't recognize them so I looked at Scott with a confused look. "It's a photoshoot for you baby, I know you don't want it big but you want a memory of this moment in your life in future so I called my friends", Scott said making me smile. I was shocked at the same time happy, I was just talking to him about photoshoot and he already planned it.

I gave him a tight hug repeating 'thank you' again and again., while he chuckled, "Don't say thank you, I will do anything to make you happy," he said and we went inside with the others.

I changed my dress into something more photoshootable( I know it's not a word, but you understand what I mean) and we took some pictures.

I changed my dress into something more photoshootable( I know it's not a word, but you understand what I mean) and we took some pictures

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(These are the pictures but think it's you and Scott)

~~ later ~~( I don't know what to write😓)

We were on the bed, my head on Scott's chest/shoulder while he was drawing circles on my back humming, "Thank you Scott for everything you did so far", I said suddenly and I felt him stop the drawing and humming.

"Sweetheart I promised I will always be with you but that doesn't mean only when you are in hardship, I will always be there to make you the happiest women on earth", he said kissing my forehead and continue drawing circles on my back.

"I love you Scott...", I said sleepily, "I love you to Y/N..", he said wrapping his arms around me protectively.

I know the last part is rushed I am sorry I am not in my right mind since my exam finished recently after being skipped for 3 months due to corona. So I am relaxed at the same time tensed, so forgive me for my shit writing.


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