Best Friend

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I woke up at the sound of my alarm at 7.00a.m, and felt unfamiliar cold on my sides, then only I started to remember on what happened yesterday and that I have to call Scott today and ask on whether I could crash into their house, I hope they won't mind and that Scott forgives me since I haven't talked with him for this long.

I got off of the bed as I felt nauseous and ran into the bathroom and puked, I heard the front door open and for a minute I hoped it was Steve but as soon as the bathroom door opened, I saw Nat, she quickly ran towards me and held me as I was throwing up. After I cleaned I took a quick shower, changed my outfit and went out to see Nat on my bed with mine and her breakfast, I assumed from looking at the food.

I looked at her in confusion, "I thought you wouldn't want to have breakfast with Steve so I bought both of ours here so we can talk and eat. I wanted to accompany you and the little one inside.", she said definitely reading the confusion in my face. I was relieved and happy that she understood me, "Sure", I said and we started eating, "So I am going to be a auntie huh?", I nodded "I wanted to tell it to everyone with Steve but I guess it was supposed to happen like this", "Hey don't worry we are here for you", she said making me smile and we talked for some time.

After eating she left and I decided that this was the right time to call Scott, I took my phone, I am scared, Should I do this?, "Hey J, should I do this?", I asked Jarvis, he has been and is my best buddy after all, "Yes miss Stark, I would recommend it", he said so I dialed his number. My hands were shaking as the phone was ringing both, scared that he would be angry with me for not keeping in contact with him and guilty for asking him to give me a place after such a long time of no contact.

(Phone conversations on the opposite end are italic)

"Hello Y/N?"

"Hello Scott", I said and broke down after hearing his voice after a long time, dang this pregnancy hormones.

"What's wrong Y/N? Should I come there? No, don't answer that I'll be there in 20 min", he panicked. He cares for me but I didn't even think of him even for 2 years he probably should be shouting at me, this made me cry more.

I got myself together and said, "Scott wait, I will tell you everything later but I wanted to say that I'm sorry for not keeping in contact with you...please don't hate me" I started to sob again.

"Don't be sorry Y/N that's fine and I would never hate you. How could I hate my best friend", he said.

"Scott I need a place to stay for some days, maybe weeks, so can I stay with you if you don't mind and as soon as I find a place to lay low I will move out. I will explain the reason to you clearly but not on the phone. Just for now I need a safe place like your house, I hope Hope doesn't mind(ha! the pun)", I rambled.

I heard a chuckle on the other side," Y/N how I have missed you and your talks, but to answer your questions yes you can come and stay as long as you need to, this is your house too, ok you better explain as soon as you arrive here, you are scaring me by saying you have to lay low and Hope wouldn't mind as we are no longer together." This made me cry more as I wasn't there when he needed me but now I am seeking his help and he still is being kind just like I met years ago. 

"Woah woah first stop crying and pack your things I will be there to pick you up in 20, but we need to catch up. You are not the Y/N you were, she was never this much emotional, I know something is really wrong... So I'll be there.", he said and hung up.

I started to pack everything, well not everything but some clothes for at least three months after that I have to go maternity shopping. I don't know how I am gonna explain this to Scott, after packing I asked Jarvis, "Hey J, is Captain Rogers anywhere in the building?", "No miss Stark Mr. Rogers has gone outside and he won't be here for another hour or two", he said. "Ok J tell everyone to come downstairs, "yes miss Stark", he said.

I sighed in relief and went downstairs to see everyone there waiting for me. "I called Scott and he is coming to pick up in about..," I said looking at my watch when I heard Jarvis say that he is in the elevator coming up to our floor "now", I finished and the elevator door opened revealing my BFF Scott. I put my bags down ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

I smelt the familiar scent, he held me tight and said, "I missed you too, sweetheart" I smiled at his nickname for me, as I was hearing it after 2 years, not even Steve called me that and it made me flinch at Steve's thought. I heard a cough behind me and remembered that everyone except  Steve of course was here. I released from the hug and turned around, "How are you gonna manage yourself in this condition?", dad asked, "What condition?", Scott asked, "You still didn't tell him?", everyone exclaimed. 

"No I said I will explain later as we don't have enough time, we have to go before Steve comes", I said in a hurry. "What? why? why should we leave before Cap comes?", Scott asked and I felt extreme guilt as I know for Scott Steve was such a big inspiration and I was now taking it away by being his best friend. I know that Scott will sacrifice anything and everything for me, but it was Steve's fault to do such a thing.

"Scottie I will explain everything when we get home, but please we have to go now", I said. He smiled at the nickname I said after 2 years and at the mention of home, I said home instead of his home, this made him happier. 

I was saying goodbyes to everyone, hugging them and now I stood before my dad. I hugged him tight and said, "I am gonna miss you daddy", "I am gonna miss you 3000",he whispered in my ears and I broke down immediately and hugged him tightly as he started to cry too. "I love you 3000 daddy", he let me go after some time and said, "Take care of yourself and the little one". I nodded and I remembered that I have to go to the doctor so I asked, "Dad can you book me a doctor's appointment for tomorrow?", "Yah sure honey", he said, I know that Scott would be plucking his hair out of his head in confusion by now.

I looked at him, he looked like he was going to question me so before he could say anything I said, "I promise Scotty I will explain everything clearly", I said and he nodded. Everyone looked at me with shock, "You know guys you both are literally communicating with your mind and by looking at each other which is adorable and you have understood each other deeply and you look cute together too", Pietro said. He earned a glare from everyone and a hit in his arm from his twin, but I didn't feel bad at that comment somewhat, instead felt blush creeping to my cheeks, I saw Scott and he was very red. Does he like me? No, even if he did he would hate me after learning I am pregnant.

We said our final goodbye's and left.

Words- 1366

Steve Rogers x reader x Scott Lang: ACCEPTANCEWhere stories live. Discover now