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While Scott and Y/N were talking everyone entered, "Mommy", Oliver jumped towards Y/N and before he could go towards her Scott held him, "We will go to mommy later baby, come on now it's your nap time, keep your head on daddy's shoulder and sleep", he said and Oliver obeyed.

Scott was really happy and blessed to have Oliver, because even though he is a small baby, he listens to his parents on whatever they say quietly.

All this while Y/N was watching this silently and something bothered her, maybe the crush she had on Scott or the fact the kid made an impact on her.

"Who is this Scotty?", she asked and everyone froze, they hadn't planned this, "This is Oliver, my kid", he said not mentioning the mother as he felt that Y/N was tensing.

"Oh congrats, whose the mother?", she asked a bit jealous and Steve smiled at this, "It's....ummm... it's Hope", he said remembering how Y/N used to say that to tell Hope's the mother if any unwanted people asks.

"Oh! are you guys married?", she asked and it was getting hard for Scott as one of his promises was he would never lie, Nat sensed this and interrupted them, "Y/N you are not supposed to load your brain like this all of a sudden, we can talk this later", she said and Y/N nodded.

 "Oh hey baby! I didn't see you there", she said all of a sudden and Scott tensed at the choice of her words, Steve came in front with a smirk but a bit scared.

Bucky cleared his throat, "Captain, you said that Fury called you after mission so why don't you go there, we will look after Y/N", he said glaring at Steve, "Oh yah I forgot I have to go Y/N bye", he said scared not wanting fight the avengers.

If it was only Bucky he would have thought twice, but it was also Tony, Nat, Scott, Thor, Loki, Sam and most importantly Bruce who were glaring at him.

"Wait give me a kiss first", Y/N said and everyone looked at Scott who went back to lay Oliver on the sofa, Steve went in front and gave a kiss on her forehead, Y/N froze and Steve left.

"What happened Y/N, what's wrong?", Nat asked looking at her, "Nothing it's just I feel so distant with him", she said and saw the promise ring on her hand.

 "Hey, what is this? A promise ring?", Y/N asked and Scott hid his hand behind, "Yes, its a pair", Thor said and Loki hit him on his chest, "Shut up idiot", he said.

"A pair? Is the next one with Steve?", she asked expectantly and Scott was gonna say yes, but before that Nat again interrupted him, "No other one is with Scott", she said showing Scott's hand who was glaring at her.

"Oh wow! Do we have it like best friend promises or something? What was the promises Scott?", she asked  not letting Scott talk.

"Y/N honey that's enough we can talk everything else later, now take some rest, Bruce will be here others have an important thing, so we have to go, bye", Tony said and quickly left the room fighting hard not to cry.

"Ok dad!", she said confused and others bid their goodbyes and left too, Scott took Oliver in his arms kissed Y/N forehead accidently and left without realizing what he did.

But Y/N felt different, she felt an attached towards him all of a sudden, more than a friend, it felt strange, but due to tiredness, with those thoughts she drifted to sleep..

The others went to the tower and Scott made Oliver sleep in the guest room and came out, everyone first went to Scott's house took the things and then only went to the tower, so they started arranging it.

Tony removed some photos took at the wedding, when she was pregnant with Oliver, and after the wedding, all those related photos.

When he was taking the baby shower photos he remembered something, "AVENGERS! GUYS!!!", he shouted running to the living room like a maniac and everyone quickly gathered there.

"What happened Tony? Why are you shouting like an idiot?", Sam asked, "I am not an idiot, we all are", he said and everyone looked at him as if he was crazy.

"Guys, Oh god why are you'll dumb? Do you remember that Y/N is not only married to her 'best friend' but is also pregnant with his twin babies", he said and everyone started realizing what he was meaning.

"No no no, not again", Scott said and everyone looked at him in pity knowing how both wanted this pregnancy to be special for them, Nat comforted him, "How can we say that she is pregnant with her 'unknown husband'?", Pietro asked and everyone was silent and looking at each other.

"We have to tell she is pregnant but not whose, before we tell her whose babies it is we have to show her some memories, Stark we'll first show her the time you asked Steve those questions, maybe she will remember Scott's too", Nat said and he nodded.

"If not then we will show Scott's but not directly, through some way that doesn't involve us, maybe through Jarvis or Friday", she said and everyone nodded knowing they can't directly show or talk anything to her now, "That would be a great idea Agent Romanoff", Jarvis said.

With that everyone continued their works... It's gonna be a long and tiring day!!

So let's see what's gonna happen...


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