5. Aftermath

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Kiaan's pov

"Are you ready,love?" I asked her as soon as I entered our bedroom.

"Yes." Jigyasa said with a bright smile.

"Come...let's go." I said.

We both walked out of our room hand in hand and went towards our car.

"I will drive." I told the driver and took the keys. The driver nodded and left from there.

Making her sit carefully, I sat down on my seat and started my car.

After half an hour, we reached a renowned hospital and parked the car. We went inside.

As the doctor is our family friend ,it was quite easy for us to take an appointment  secretly. There was no chance that the news of Jigyasa's pregnancy would be leaked.

We directly went towards her chamber and told her assistant about the appointment. 

"Please,you can go inside. Doctor is waiting for you." The assistant said ,looking at me with dreamy eyes. Jigyasa tightly held  my hand. I looked at her to see her glare towards the assistant who was busy ogling at me. I held my wife's waist  and said to the assistant, "Thank you miss." We entered.

"Hello doctor, " I greeted the doctor. 

"Welcome Mr & Mrs Mehrotra. Please have a seat." She greeted us politely. She was the lady of her early forties. 

She asked Jigyasa about the symptoms and about her health.Then she took Jigyasa for the USG and I also accompanied them.

"Here ...you can see the tiny dot. It is the baby." Doctor said ,pointing towards the screen. 

I held Jigyasa's hand tightly as we watched the screen. We looked at each other with teary eyes and a smile on our faces.

"You clean it and come outside." The doctor said and left. The nurse handled the tissue paper to clean the gel on her belly.

We both went outside and sat in front of the doctor.

The doctor prescribed medicines and told us about precautions. 

"Jigyasa, you go outside….I need to talk with her about something. " I said to my wife. She looked at me suspiciously but went out after a minute. 

"Yes what did you want to say?" The doctor asked me.

"Doctor ,here is the file which contains Jigyasa's medical history. The doctor under whose observations Jigyasa  was,said that it will be a risk for her when she will give birth to the baby within 2 or 3 years due to her health conditions. I want to know if it is safe for her to conceive now. " I asked nervously. 

I will never let anything happen to her. I love kids but for me,my wife is the most important person in my life. Maybe I sound like a heartless or selfish man but I will never let her have the baby if it risks her life….I can't live without my wife.

She read the file carefully and said,"I understand. But as I checked her up today...I understood that she is healed due to the medicines,proper food and obviously the care.
I would like to advise you that keep her happy without any mental stress,give her proper food ,make her do some yoga during the pregnancy period. I assure you that she will be safe during the birth of her child and you guys will have a healthy baby.
Follow the other precautions which I have told you to. 
It is safe,don't worry." She said with a smile.

I sighed in relief and smiled widely,"Thank you ,Doctor."

I went outside without any burden on my chest to see my wife sitting there and tapping her foot which indicates her restlessness. 

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