52 . Confession

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Author's pov

"You should have seen his face. " Sameer said to them .

"Damn, I miss the show." Vishal groaned in frustration. Mehak rolled her eyes and slapped his head.

"Ouch !! You violent woman, I am upset that I miss the show. It was my dream to see him getting arrested. But the bloody stupid director was adamant to make me do shoot today." Vishal said dramatically ,making everyone laugh.

Right now Rajvanshi family, Mehak's mom and Manik, Sameer , Vishal ,Kiaan and Jigyasa are present in Arthit's home.  Sameer was elaborating them about Ankur's deed and his arrest. 

"By the way ,you should have seen Mehak's violent avatar. Oh Dude!! The way she kicked him in between his legs...he's gonna remember it whenever he gets intimate with anyone." Sameer said without any filter in his mouth.

Elders' face red in shame. The younger ones looked here and there. Mehak face palmed herself and cursed Sameer for his big mouth.

"Kids, you guys sit here,  we Elders will sit in the garden area." Mrs Rajvanshi excused herself and the Elders followed her.

As soon as they went out the young gang burst out laughing. 

"Are you serious?" Kiaan asked Sameer.

"Yes Bro, you should have seen it. I was floored." Sameer said dramatically. 

"That's why I say you aren't a woman...you are a man in a woman's body." Vishal joked to rile her up. In return he got a slap from Mehak behind his head . Vishal looked at her angrily, rubbing his head and Mehak poked her tongue at him. Arthit shook his head, seeing them bickering. 

"Bro, you should stay with him  carefully. You know what I mean." Kiaan said to Arthit with a wink. Jigyasa glared at Kiaan in return.

Everyone laughed hearing Kiaan's comment. Arthit and Mehak blushed. 

"No.. because I know that she won't hurt me even in her dream." Arthit said ,gazing at Mehak lovingly. Understanding the depth of his words, Mehak blushed deep red and hugged him from the side. 

Everyone did aww in chorus and then laughed.

Two weeks later

There was an atmosphere of celebration inside the Rajvanshi house/mansion. 

The reason  was that a week ago Mehak got an invitation letter for a prestigious award ceremony and it was mentioned that she was nominated as well. Everyone congratulated her and blessed her so that she could get the award.

Today Everyone was excited because of the award ceremony. 
Kiaan and Vishal were also nominated so Everyone was going together for the party.

Right now Mehak and Jigyasa are sitting inside the studio of a famous fashion designer. They are going to pick the best dress for the evening. 

After picking their dresses up, they went straight to the stylists who were going to do the makeup and all the remaining. 

After two hours of torture they got ready . They were waiting for their husbands to pick them up.

After waiting for some time, Mehak's phone rang .

"Hello ," Mehak replied, picking the call up. 
" Are you done? I am here." Hearing Arthit's voice, she smiled. 
"Okay I am coming. " Mehak replied.

Mehak kept her phone and got up. Jigyasa's phone rang after that. It's Kiaan telling her that he was here.

"Okay….bye .See you at the event. " They bid bye to each other and left for the e event.

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