11. The shoot life

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Kiaan's POV

"Excellent Shot,Kiaan...Good job." The director said . I smiled.

"And it's a pack up." He announced loudly. I immediately went towards my vanity van.

Today I have completed the shooting of another movie which is my first solo film. 

I completed removing my makeup and cleaned myself. I was about to call Jigyasa to let her know that I was coming home within an hour when my assistant announced that the director wanted to meet me. I gave my permission and after sometime the director came inside my Vanity.

"Hello ,Kiaan." He greeted me.

"Hi ,Sir..please have a seat." I said and we both sat down on the couch.

"It was a pleasure to work with you. Your punctuality, sincerity  were really commendable." He said.

I nodded humbly and said," Same here as well,Sir. Punctuality and Sincerity both are important for any profession...and I try to maintain that only."

"Yeah ..that's  true.Actually I want to talk to you about another film. Here is the script. " He said and gave me the script.

"Will the film be shot in Mumbai itself or outside?" I asked him.

"Actually it will be shot in Bali and Australia. " He said.

"I am sorry to say but I can't do the film. " I said.

He looked at me in shock and said,"But you don't know about the script yet.." 

"I know and I am sure that the script will be amazing as well. But I can't go outside of Mumbai for shooting because I have some personal reasons. I assure you that I will definitely work with you in future but this time I really can't do anything. " I said to him.

I really can't leave Mumbai now as I don't want to go away from Jigyasa in the most important phase of our life.I really want to be with her and want to experience the wonderful journey together. For this ,I am ready to reject more films like this because family comes first.

"If I wait a year for you….will you be able to do the film? Because I will take only you as a male lead in my film. " he said.

"Yes...I will be able to do that then." I told him. I would be able to take my wife and my baby with me then.

"Okay fine then...you read the script...if you like it,we will proceed with it. If you suggest some changes, let me know ,I will work with the script writer and editor on those changes on the script." He said and stood up.

"Sure...I will let you by this weekend. " I said and stood up as well.

"Come...we should join them on the sets." He said and we both went to the set as a cake was going to be cut to celebrate the last day of our shoot.

As soon as the cake was cut,I left for my home where my heart is….my Jigyasa. 
I reached home after an hour and went straight to my bedroom.As soon as I entered my bedroom,I was greeted with a marvelous sight . There my wife was sitting beside the window and writing something. 

I tiptoed towards her and stood behind her without making any noise. She was so busy that she didn't realize my presence. 

"Hey love," I whispered near her ear. She jumped on her place.

"God...you scared me and our baby as well." She said ,rubbing her slight baby bump. 

She is on her 4 th month now. Till now she and the baby are perfectly fine as we are following every instructions and precautions that the doctor told us to follow.

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