32. Reconciliation

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Kiaan's pov

I was reading my script when a small tap on my legs took my attention. I looked down to see my little man trying to gain my attention by poking me.

I kept my script aside.

"What do you want, Sir?" I asked him as I took him in my arms. He blabbered something incoherent and let out a chuckle.

I smiled and kissed his nose to which he twitched his nose cutely and pouted his lips.

Shaan...my little man. I can't thank my God enough for giving Jigyasa in my life again who has filled my life with happiness and peace. Not everyone is lucky to get the second chance and it's my luck that I got her in my life again…. after everything. 

When Jigyasa was  in labour, the Doctor already told us that this was going to be tough for her. The life risk was very much present there. When he asked me whom he would save, I immediately took my wife's name...in a heartbeat. No way I was going to let go of her. 

We will be able to have lots of babies in future as she wanted but I can't let go of my life. Even if we can't have babies, it is very much okay with it as all I need is Jigyasa with Me.

Call me selfish but that's what I am when it comes to Jigyasa….she is my everything….the reason of my life .

But luckily they both were safe. 

When I held Shaan in my arms, it was a different feeling altogether. I couldn't believe that we both created the little man who is the symbol of our love.

But unfortunately Jigyasa was upset with me for a day as I chose her over our baby . But later she understood my condition and forgave me. 

A soft wet touch on my cheeks broke my train of thoughts. I looked down to see Shaan looking at me with his innocent eyes. 

Though he looks like me, he is very calm and sweet just like his mother. But his eyes are the perfect copy of his mother. 

"What beta?"  I asked him softly. I looked at him to see his eyes roaming around the room. 

I chuckled as I understood what he wanted.
"Hey Mommy...see who has come to meet you." I said to Jigyasa as I entered the study. 

Jigyasa looked up and gave us a wide smile which lit up my whole world.

Seeing his mother, Shaan immediately started to blabber and clapped his hands in happiness. 

Jigyasa got up and took Shaan in her arms which made my boy very happy.

" It's proven for umpteenth time that he can't stay without his mommy." I said to Jigyasa who gave me a proud smile.

"Just like his Daddy." I whispered in her ear.

"Kiaan..behave. " Jigyasa slapped my chest and glared at me . I didn't miss the fact that she was blushing. 

I laughed and kissed her cheek.

I was about to kiss my boy when he turned his face away and hid his face in his mother's chest.

"Oh...now you can only see your mommy…" I said with a frown.

Jigyasa laughed and said ,"See I told you  he loves me more." 

" I won't talk to you anymore you see." I said with a fake anger and turned my face away.

Soon he started to blabber and tap my hand continuously. 

I turned my face towards him to see him making grabby hands towards me with a pout.

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