7. Nostalgia

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Mehak's pov 

I got up  at around 5 am  as I had to leave early today for my shoot.

I did my workout for an hour and then took a relaxing shower. I got dressed and went out of the room.

As I knew that Mom hadn't woken up till now, I went straight to the kitchen. It was 7am and luckily the kitchen was empty as our cook comes around 8 am or so.

I quickly started to make breakfast and tea. It's been so long since I entered the kitchen and cooked something. 

I made Egg sandwiches and Poha for breakfast.  When I was keeping  breakfast on the table,Manik ( Mehak's Brother) came.

"What's the occasion?" Manik asked.
"What occasion?" I asked.

"Because you cooked food after so many days..that's why I asked ." He said.
"As I woke up early that's why…" I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Thank god ..otherwise I thought I will never get to eat your handmade food...ever. " Manik said with a chuckle. I hit the back of his head.

"Chup chap khana kha le..(eat silently. )" I scolded him in a fake stern voice. He poked his tongue at me. 
How mature!!! 

I was about to go towards Mom's room when I saw her coming towards the dining. 

"Why are you dressed up so early? " Mom asked.

I smiled and said, "I have to reach for the shoot within an hour...so come quickly and eat the special breakfast made by me." 

Mom smiled and sat down to eat.

After a long time we had our breakfast together with lots of fun,teasings and heart to heart conversations. 

"Okay Mom,I am leaving now...it's late." I said to Mom and ran out of the house.

Driver immediately started driving the car towards the set.

On the way, I came across a famous chat centre near Juhu beach. The place brought back so many memories in my mind. This is the place where me,mom and Manik used to come on Sundays to enjoy their lip smacking chat.

But now I feel how my life has  changed after I became an actress. 
Yes ,we got rid off our financial issues; 
I am able to give my mother a perfect life where she doesn't have to get insulted just because of being maid of some families and now she can all the relaxation and luxury which she deserves;
My brother also is leading a perfect life where he doesn't have to face any hindrance financially in his education life. 

Now I can fulfill their dreams of my own .

My mother is a queen and my brother is a prince and they deserve to be treated like one and I am very fortunate that I get a chance to do that. 

But as we say everything has its positive sides as well as negative sides.

In between all these unknowingly my profession became a reason for our loss of freedom. We had lost a little bit of our freedom. We can't roam freely around the public and enjoy our life  the way we want. In fact we had also lost a little bit of our privacy. 
That's why it's truly said --- everything comes with a cost. Our came with the cost of freedom and privacy.

An Actor's life isn't at all rosy. Our life isn't as shiny and glittery as it portrayed on the silver screen. There is a lot of darkness behind.

"Madam,we are here." 

Hearing the driver's voice ,I came out of the trance. I nodded and got out of the car.

Hurriedly, I entered my makeup room and while my makeup artists did my makeup, I read my script till then.

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