35. Mishap

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Author's pov

Everyone was sitting in Arthit's room ,waiting for Mehak to gain her consciousness. Vishal and Sameer had also joined after hearing her condition from Arthit. 

Arthit was sitting beside her, holding her hand. He was controlling his temper whenever his eyes fell on the bruises on her cheeks . 

Suddenly he saw her eyes moving. He looked at her keenly. Slowly her hands moved and her grip on his hand tightened.

Mehak groaned as the pain on her head grew ,she was having difficulty while opening her eyes.

With great difficulty she opened her eyes only to be blinded by the sudden light in the room. Slowly she opened her eyes after adjusting with the light. 

Others were relieved to see her awake but didn't make any sound in order to not disturb her.

She turned towards her right to see Arthit sitting there and looking at her in concern.  The other family members also came to her sight.

She felt a slight pain on her right hand and looked at it to see the I.V. was attached to it . She also saw that Arthit was holding her hand in his grip which surprised her.

She was about to ask the matter when the incidents of the previous night hit her brain like a truck and a tear slipped from her eyes. 

Arthit who was watching her expression carefully wiped her tears away. His heart broke the very next moment when Mehak looked at him with a painful  and broken look in his eyes. 

"Do you want to sit?" He asked her softly. She nodded and with the help of Arthit she sat up.

As soon as she sat down, she broke down and hugged Arthit who was shocked by her gesture. Recovering from the shocked state, he hugged her and rubbed her back to console her.

"Sshh..okay okay. Mehak you are safe...no one can touch you. I am there for you...I promise." Arthit whispered the words in her ear and kissed her head. 

Soon Mehak's sobs turned to sniffs and she broke the hug.

"What happened , Mehak? Who did these?" He asked her. She again started to sob .

"Okay...okay ,Don't cry. See ,I am here. Nothing will happen to you. I promise you that. I seriously don't want you to be traumatized by making you remember the incident but if you don't tell me how will I punish the culprit because of whom you are hurt? " Arthit tried to make her understand. 

Hearing his soothing voice, Mehak whispered ,"I will tell you." 
She looked at her family and friends. 

"Do you want to be alone with me?" He asked as he saw her being a little apprehensive. She nodded.

Everyone went out  with a worried face.

Arthit looked at Mehak to continue. 

Last night 

Mehak got out of her car and told her driver to leave for home and she would call him when she would leave the party to pick her up.

It was a birthday party of a famous director and almost everyone from the film industry had been invited. 

She went inside after posing for the paparazzi. 

Everyone greeted her with a small smile to which she reciprocated. After greeting, she went to sit at the less crowded corner and took a glass of soft drink from a nearby waiter. 

She was enjoying her drink when someone patted her shoulder from behind. She turned around to see Tania was there. 

"Hey ,Mrs Mehak Rajvanshi. What are you doing here alone?  Don't tell me your husband ditched you as he didn't want to attend a party with someone like you by his side !!!" Tania said with a fake sad tone.

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