46. The whisper of Past

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Author's pov

"What happened?" Mehak asked as soon as she saw the panicked face of Arthit.

"Sameer...Sameer had an accident. " He said in a whisper. Mehak gasped in shock.

" Okay okay...calm down. Let's go to the hospital. " Mehak said, rubbing his shoulder. Arthit nodded and drove towards the hospital where Sameer was hospitalized.

On the way to hospital Mehak called their home and informed them about the mishap.

Arthit was in stress as he didn't know how to inform Sameer's mother about it as she was already a heart patient, it won't be easy for her to handle the news.Mrs. Rajvanshi told her son that she would bring her (Sameer's mother) to their house and then inform her.
"Arthit. " Mehak said, holding his hand . He was standing in front of the room where Sameer was being treated .

"I don't know,Mehak. I don't know what will happen. But I can't lose my best friend who has been there for me every single time . He has never left my hand in my bad times...he has been my pillar of strength. I just...I just see him like this." Arthit said in a broken voice.

" He will be fine..soon. Everything will be alright. " Mehak said, assuring him. She had seen their friendship, they were like brothers. She prayed to God to heal Sameer as soon as possible.

After sometime a nurse came and said, "Patient needs blood. He lost quite an amount of blood. Blood group is B+. "

"I am B+" Arthit said.
The nurse took him inside .

After donating his blood he came out. Mehak handed him the juice which she brought from the cafeteria of the hospital.

"I don't want it." He denied. He didn't have the heart to have something. Seeing Sameer in the worst condition, he was feeling very heart broken and weak. The picture of Sameer made him remember his deceased brother's image.

"No...no...nothing will happen to him." He said to himself, shaking his head.

"Arthit, you have to. You have to be strong for Sameer, for Aunty (Sameer's mother.)...for our family. Please Arthit." She said softly. Arthit nodded and drank the juice.

20 minutes passed when the doctor who was treating Sameer came out.

"How's he?" Arthit asked as soon as he spotted him.

"Mr. Arthit, I am being very honest to you. Mr. Sameer's condition is really critical. We can say anything only after 24 hours.
He has lost a lot of blood ,luckily we got you as a donor.
His ribs are broken. Right Shoulder is dislocated and there is a slight fracture in left ankle. The thing which is dangerous is that his head has been injured. If he doesn't gain consciousness in next 24 hours, I am sorry to say but maybe he can slip into coma.
So now only God can do something. Hope for the best. " The doctor said and left from there .

Hearing the doctor, the ground slipped beneath Arthit's feet. Each and every situation was making him remember his past. He prayed to God to not to snatch his friend away from him as he had already lost so much in his life.
Mehak also prayed for Sameer who has been like a brother to her. Seeing her husband's broken face she prayed to God to heal Sameer as she knew how important Sameer was for him.

Mehak's phone rang which brought their attention towards her phone. She looked at it to see her mother in law calling her.

She picked the call up and talked to her.

"What did Mom say?" Arthit asked her.

"Mom said that she and aunty are coming. After hearing the news Aunty lost her consciousness and as soon as she woke up, she was adamant to meet Sameer. Mom tried to make her understand as her health may not permit her but still she didn't listen to her." Mehak told him.

Arthit nodded as he understood what Aunty might be feeling now.

After an hour they reached the hospital. Sameer's Mom was inconsolable.
Mehak had already informed Vishal who also came as soon as he was done with his schedule.

Arthit talked to the Police personally and told them to investigate the case . He wanted to punish the truck driver because of whom his friend was fighting for his life.

Sameer's mother and Mehak wanted to stay with him but Arthit strictly told them to leave. He would be staying with Sameer alone.

Reluctantly everyone left . Only Vishal and Arthit stayed there .

Next morning

"So when are you going to your work?" Arthit asked Mehak.

At around 8 am Mehak came to the hospital . She forcefully sent the boys home so that they could freshen up and take some rest.

Arthit went home and freshened up. His mom told him to have breakfast but after knowing that Mehak also didn't have her breakfast, he left for the hospital informing his mother that he would have his breakfast along with Mehak.

Vishal also wanted to join them as he was done with his shooting for the film he was working on recently. But Arthit told him to take a rest . But Vishal reluctantly agreed.

Unfortunately Sameer still didn't gain consciousness.

Currently Arthit and Mehak are in the cafeteria to have some tea and sandwiches.

" 11 am..today we will finish the last schedule of the film.... before the next schedule starts, I am going to take a leave for a week." Mehak said .

Arthit nodded.
In the evening

"See you in the next schedule which is after two weeks." The director said to Mehak.

"Yes..." Mehak said with a smile. She was about to talk about the leave but luckily the next schedule would be starting after two weeks.

She entered her vanity and started to wipe her Makeup away.

"Hema, please keep these two weeks clear. No project or ad shoot should be included. I will be busy due to some family emergency. " She informed her assistant com manager who nodded.

After cleaning herself and packing her stuff, she left her vanity.

She was walking towards the parking lot when somebody called her from behind.

Hearing a familiar voice she froze in her place.

"No no...maybe I didn't hear correctly. " She said and turned around .

As soon as she turned around a wave of shock washed over her features, seeing the unexpected person in front of her.

"Ankur." A whisper came out of her mouth.

Well He is back again.

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Next update will be soon.

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