26. Anger

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Mehak's pov

"You should have told Arthit before coming here.....what must he be thinking now?" Mom said with a tense expression.

As soon as I entered my home, Mom asked me about his absence and I told her that he couldn't come due to his meeting. So I came without telling him anything.

After hearing the little girl claiming Arthit as her father, I felt my blood drained out of my body. After the shock, hurt ,pain, anger and betrayal striked me hard.

I am again betrayed by him...for the second time and this time it's very hard.

I looked at my mom and shook my head.

Here she is tense about the emotions of a man who doesn't give a second thought about other's emotions...especially mine.

"Mom, he was busy because of his business . So I didn't want to disturb him. Moreover I did the ritual which was needed to be done..so it's okay. Relax.

I am sure that he won't mind." I told her.

She looked at me with a frown and huffed.

Mom made me sit on the sofa and started to treat me like baby. I loved the way she pampered me and showered her care on me.

Manik got emotional as he saw me and I smiled receiving a tight hug from him.




We enjoyed the day while chatting, watching movies together .We cherished our memories by watching the photo albums .

After having a lip smacking lunch,I decided to take a power nap.

At around 4 pm,I got up and left the house ,informing Mom that I was going to meet Vishal regarding some project of ours but my intention was different and I didn't want to tense my mom about it.

As soon as I reached a nearby Cafe which gives us privacy from the crowd and media, I spotted him sitting in a corner seat . I walked towards him.

"Hey," I greeted him as I took a seat opposite to him.

"What's up?" He asked me.

"Bad ." I said ,curling my lips down.

"Out with it." He ordered me and I told him about the baby incident which happened in the morning .

"So you mean that Arthit has a daughter... right?" he asked me.

I nodded my head . It was hard for me to control my tears.

"In fact I checked in Google as well....there is no mention of his daughter as well." I said to him.

"Are you sure that he is her biological father?" Vishal asked me.

"Seriously? If he would have adopted that girl,media would have been all over him for the news. There would have been a mention about that in Google as well.

This only proves one thing, maybe it is his love child or something because there is no mention of him being married as well." I replied to him agitated.

"Calm down...calm down. It's better if you talk to him and ask him about her. Because you don't ask him directly, you will assume things and that will complicate the equation between you two more than it already is.

So it's better to communicate and clear everything. " Vishal advised me.

"But how? Everytime I see him, his betrayal which he did months ago dances in front of my eyes. I can't keep my anger in check.

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