4. Good News

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Kiaan's pov 

I was talking with my colleagues but my eyes were on my wife...my Jigyasa who was looking beautiful in her pink Lehenga. 

I still remember the time which was two years ago when we got married. At that time she was uncomfortable with me due to our past….due to my stupid selfish past self which ruined her life. 

But the day when I remarried her ,I promised myself to dedicate my whole life to make her comfortable around me and make her love & trust me once again. 
And that did happen. We are now the power couple.Each day our love for each other grows .

Hearing Mayank's voice,I looked at him. 

"I am sorry..I was zoned out. What were you asking?" I asked him,smiling sheepishly. 

"I was saying that after this month,we will start shooting for our film together. " he said chuckling. 

Yes,we are doing a film together. Media has always shown the audiences that me and Mayank are the competitors  but it was wrong. We both kept our personal lives private and that's the reason people don't know that we share a  cordial bond. 

"Yes yes..definitely . I am eagerly waiting for that. I can't wait to see the reaction of our fans." I said and we both laughed. 

He was about to say something when his phone rang.

"Excuse me...it's urgent." He said. 
"Yeah sure." I said and he left.

I looked towards my right where Jigyasa was there with Mehak previously but now couldn't find them there. 

I looked around in search of them and suddenly I found Mehak,going towards the drinks counter.

I walked towards her. 

"Hey,did you see Jigyasa?" I asked her who was calling someone. 

"She went towards the washroom...I just came back from the outside but couldn't find her...so I was calling her." Mehak said.

"But she isn't picking up her call...let's go towards the washroom area." Mehak said and we both went towards there. 

We stood in front of the washroom and I knocked at the door calling her name. Sweat beats started to form on my forehead due to tension. My hands started to shake due to fear...fear of Jigyasa's well being. I don't want  something to happen to her. Her medical history wasn't helping me as well.

"Any kind of shock or mental trauma can damage her health. " I still remembered the doctor's words. I know those two monsters are out of our life but there are still some mean people who will not think twice before insulting her due to their jealousy. 

I was so tense that I didn't hear Jigyasa's ringtone as Mehak was calling her .
"Don't panic Kiaan ….she is inside….try to open the door." Mehak scolded me ,seeing my freezed state.

"Ye...yeah..yeah…" I took a deep breath and with a force I opened the door.

The sight in front of me made me shocked and I yelled out her name in fear.

"Jigyasa...Jigyasa...wake up…" I kneeled down in front of her unconscious form which was laying on the floor and took her head on my lap.

Mehak was rubbing her hand and calling her name but she wasn't responding at all. She sprinkled water on her face but still she remained unconscious. 

"What happened to her? I...I…." I was shuttering seeing my love in a miserable condition. 

"Pick her up and take her to the nearest bedroom. I am calling the doctor and will inform Desai as well. Now come on...get up." Mehak literally pushed me to get up and made me out from my shocked self.

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