33. The Puja

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Author's pov 

"Please welcome. " Mrs. Rajvanshi greeted the neighbors who came for the puja which was held in their house. 

Arthit's chachi  looking after the last-minute  preparation of puja. His Chachu was looking after the guests.

Mehak's mother and her brother couldn't come as they both went on a short trip . It was Manik's surprise for her mother.

Aanshi was in her room as she had a fever. Arthit was with her. It pains him to see his little girl so weak and red due to the fever.

Soon Sameer entered the house and as soon as he came to know about Aanshi's illness, he went straight towards her room.

"Hey," entering inside the room, he greeted his friend. 

Arthit nodded with a small smile. 

"How's she?" Sameer asked . He sat down on the other side of Aanshi and patted her head.

" 102 ⁰ F ...I just gave her the medicine. She fell asleep just some time ago." Arthit said as he kissed her hand. 

"Dadda…" she mumbled in her sleep and held his hand tightly.

Knock knock

He turned around to see a maid entering the room.

"Ma'am is calling you downstairs for the Puja." She informed him. 

Arthit looked reluctant as he didn't want to leave his daughter. 

"You go..I am here." Sameer assured him which brought relief to Arthit.

He smiled softly at his friend and went out of the room.

On his way ,he pulled his phone out of his pocket. He dialed her number but it went unanswered. 

"Maybe she was busy shooting." He thought. 

A painful chuckle left his mouth as remembered in the past he knew everything about her --- her whereabouts, her schedules, in fact her plan for the day . She herself  used to share everything with him. After all that, she considered him as her friend. 

But  now knowing about her is far from reality. 

Why did they go wrong? He just couldn't find the answer to this question.

He sighed and went downstairs. 

"Arthit beta, where is Mehak? It's time for the Puja…." His mother said to him in a worried tone. 

"Mom...she will come,  don't worry. Maybe she is late due to the traffic." Arthit said to her .

His mom nodded and by seeing her face, he could tell that she didn't look convinced by the answer.

"Bhabhi...when will the puja start? Pandit ji (Priest) is asking me." Arthit's chachi asked as she came near the mother-son duo. 

"Chachi, tell him to wait for sometime. ..Mehak will be here soon." Arthit said to her confidently and went out to call Mehak.

He believes that maybe Mehak was doing everything to annoy him but she won't do something which would be disrespectful for their family. 
Mehak was sitting near the beach by covering her face with a scarf so that people couldn't recognize her.

Sighing  She looked at her lap where her phone was. She took the phone and switched it on. As the phone switched on ,she noticed the time.
 Seeing the time, her eyes widened as she remembered about the puja all of a sudden. 

"Oh shit shit shit!!!!" She got up in haste and ran towards her home.

"Take me home...fast fast." She said in a hurry .

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