13. The messed up state of mind

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Mehak's pov 

Before we could do anything ,the bike caught in fire. I screamed in horror. 

My eyes started to water as soon as my mind drifted to the past when my dad died because of doing a stunt like this.

I don't want anyone to face the same fate….I don't want any family to face the same pain of loss of the loved one.

The crew members ran towards him and luckily he was rescued.

Suddenly I started to feel dizzy . I held my head to reduce the pain. With my hazy eyes I could see that Ankur was coming towards me and soon he was standing in front of me. 

Before I could do anything, I slipped into the pit of darkness.
"She is moving."

"I think she will wake up soon." 

I could hear the talking of people and tried to open my eyes. But my head felt so heavy that I couldn't open my eyes.

I groaned and pressed my head to reduce the pain.

Slowly I started to open my eyes and started to look around the surrounding when I was able to see everything clearly.

I was in my vanity van and There were our director, Ankur,Vishal and one unknown man ,I guessed that he was the doctor.

Soon I started to remember what happened and I looked at Ankur to see that he was looking at me in worry and something which I couldn't point out.

As I guessed it was correct. The doctor checked me up.

"She is alright….it was just because of the panic she fainted like this. Let her rest for sometime. I am leaving now." The doctor said and stood up.

"Thank you ,doctor." Our director said and took the doctor out.

Everyone started to leave after asking me if I was okay or not except Ankur.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt anywhere?  I asked him.

He came and sat beside me on the chair. 

"I am perfectly fine...I am not at all injured. How are you feeling now?" He asked tenderly. Suddenly anger rushed through my nerves.

"I am fine….but you tell me why did you do that ? We warned you and told you not to do that stunt….then why did you do it when you haven't done before? Do you have any idea What would have happened if something happened to you? What would your parents do? ….. What did you want to prove? Tell me dimwit!!!! Why the fuck are you silent now?" I yelled at him.

He looked at me with a smirk and said,"Relax Beautiful…..you know I am feeling so much happy to see you worried about me...your care for me is making my heart dance...kahi tumhe mujhse pyaar toh nahi ho gaya?(Did you fall in love with me?)" 

Nerve of this man!!!! I am so angry at him and he is fucking joking with me!!! I will kill him today for sure.

"I.am.fucking.serious.Mr.Ankur Srivastav. " I said ,stressing every word. I was shaking in anger. 

He is not trying to understand the depth of the situation…. I know what happens when we lose someone who is our family and loved one. I can imagine what would have happened to his family if something wrong would have happened to him.

I seriously don't like Stunt...
I loath it...But as our profession demands it ,I can't do anything about it....

Every stuntman is risking their life to earn something and why they are risking their everything...just to entertain the audiences !!!!! 

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