38. Truth prevails

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Author's pov 

After two days 

"Mehak, where are you going?" Mrs Rajvanshi asked as she saw that  her daughter-in-law who joined for breakfast was ready in her work clothes. 

Everyone was at the dining table for breakfast . From the time the incident happened ,she didn't come out of her room unless it was necessary. 

But today seeing her at the dining table for breakfast, everyone sighed in relief and smiled in happiness. 

"Mom, I am going for my shoot.  I have already taken five days off so I can't take more." She said. 

"But ...beta…." 

"No Mom. I know that the situation isn't under control yet but I can manage. I know how to face it...I can't act like a coward, which I am not." Mehak replied to Mrs. Avasthi but her eyes were at Arthit who was feeding Aanshi .

Everyone nodded and didn't notice her eyes. 

Arthit could feel her burning gaze on him. If anybody would have noticed his face clearly, she/he wouldn't have missed the slight smirk which appeared on his lips.


Last night 

Mehak was standing on her balcony when Arthit entered. Seeing her sad face ,something squeezed inside his heart like every time .

He stood beside her and gave her a cup of coffee .

"I never thought that my life would make me stand in such a horrible position where the media would treat me like an object of joke and make me a criminal and sinner without any crime of mine. My life would become a cheap topic to everyone, I never thought that. 
Why me,Arthit? Why me?" Mehak said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Arthit sighed and said ,"Don't cry ,please. The monster who is doing all these will get his  punishment...I assure you that. The police are investigating the case..trust me, everything will be fine." 

Mehak nodded ,wiping her tears.

" So when are you going to shoot?" He asked her to divert her mind.

"I...umm...I …. don't know. I am not ready to face everyone." She said honestly. The humiliation she faced through the media,she wasn't ready to face it face to face.

"Hmm...so that means you will be staying in the room...or I say hiding inside the room to avoid the accusations which are absolutely baseless .  Wow!! Nice ,huh!!! " Arthit said to her sarcastically. 

Mehak looked at him in disbelief and said ,"You know everything which I faced these days...the nightmare, the humiliation, the mental torture...still you are behaving like this. Such an inhuman you are!!!" 

"Oh come on!! You are just a coward who doesn't have the courage to face the society and here giving me excuses of me being inhumane and all. Just accept that you are a coward. " Arthit said with a mocking smirk.

Mehak's face turned red in  anger. 
How could he be so insensitive? 
She was right after all he was a heartless beast.

"Okay fine. I will join the shooting from tomorrow and prove to you that I am not a coward. Just wait and watch." She said angrily.

"Let's see baby. " Arthit said and left the room smirking. He shut the door.

As soon as he went out ,he rested his back on the wall and closed his eyes, sighing. 
After all he was successful...successful in making Mehak agree to go out and face the world. He knew if he tried to make her understand, she would have broken down and denied it stubbornly. So he challenged her after scratching her ego. He knew that only this way Mehak would agree. 

He wanted her to go for her passion which was films as he had made that no harm would touch her now.

"Don't call me 'baby' ,you beast." Hearing Mehak's shout, Arthit laughed.

"The Mehak  is back." He said to himself in amusement. 

Flashback ends 

Everyone was having their breakfast when a ping caught their attention. Seeing it was Arthit's phone, they again concentrated on their breakfast. 

Arthit checked his phone and let out a small smirk. 

He got up .

"Where are you going?" Mrs Rajvanshi asked her son.

"Just a second." He said and went towards the TV to switch it on. Everyone looked at him curiously. 

" We are recording it live from Mr. Manoj's house. As you guys can see how the police are arresting him." 
Hearing the news everyone looked at the TV curiously. 

They saw how the Police were dragging him towards the Police car. Manoj looked angry and red in shame. The media was continuously clicking his pictures and asking him questions . But he kept mum.

" Some days ago there was news about him having an affair with renowned celebrity Mehak .  Today we got to know that it was actually a rumour nothing else.
The case is totally different here.

He is being arrested in the charges of attempt of rape, harassment and defaming a woman in front of the world.

Actually Mehak refused to do a film with him for some intimate scenes. He tried to pursue her and then he threw indecent comments and tried to behave inappropriately for which Mehak slapped him. 
This hurt his big ego and he tried to molest Mehak to take revenge. 

When he again became unsuccessful as Mehak's husband Arthit saved her , he tried to defame her by spreading inappropriate rumours of their nonexistent affair.

Yes, you guys have heard right.

The rumour was his PR strategy to bring him in the news and at the same time defame Mehak and mentally harass her to satisfy his ego in the name of revenge. 

The evidence is submitted to the police. 

We will show you how Manoj confessed his crime exclusively only on News now. 

Here it is. " 

Everyone gasped hearing this.

They were seething in anger when they saw how Manoj was confessing his crime. 

Mehak closed her eyes as a tear of relief rolled down her cheek.

Rajvanshi family hugged her in joy as she got her justice. She thanked God for being with her and exposing the truth to everyone.

Arthit stood there watching everything. His lips curved into a smile when he saw his wife smiling like before without any burden and sadness.

So.... Manoj got what he deserved

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