39. The reveal

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Author's pov 

Mehak was sitting on the swing of their terrace to enjoy the light morning breeze which would be soothing for her body as well as soul. 

It was 6 am in the morning. 

The surroundings were very peaceful which was exactly opposite to the state of her heart and mind.

Though both her heart and mind are restless since the time the incident happened , now when the culprit is behind bars still her heart and mind  are  restless because of a different reason. The reason is her husband -- Arthit.

Sometimes some kind of people like to stay in the state of denial or sometimes some kind of people like to stay ignorant about certain realities of life for the sake of their mental peace. And when reality starts to enter their consciousness, the peace gets disrupted which makes them restless as it is the time when they have to accept the reality.

The same thing is happening with Mehak. 
Arthit is caring to which she is aware of. In fact she has heard from the family members how he has taken care of her needs like if she had her meal on time or not ; if she had reached safely or not ;  if she had needed something, he had arranged for her without her knowing. 
Her mother and brother also have told her how every alternative day Arthit visits them, how along with Mehak, he also takes care of their needs which is unknown to him. 

She has believed in her mother's words as she knows the bond her mom and Manik share with Arthit. But she hasn't believe that he is concerned about her. Somehow her mind gets relaxed after she goes ignorant to the fact that he cares for her. 

But the way he was beside her after the dreadful incident, the way he stood by her,  the way he fought for her , motivated her and most importantly the way he kept his faith in her after the Media had spoken so much ill about her …. Everything was making her reconsider her doubt on him being caring for her.
If this wasn't enough ,she also had seen him and heard him talking to his chachi to give her food and medicine from time to time when he was going outside for his important work and wasn't at home. When he was at home, he had given her the food and medicines on time. 

 Since the day she came to this house, The chocolate cakes she cherished after she had a bad day at work or fought with Arthit, she got to know  some days before that it was Arthit who arranged it ,Because  except her mom and Manik,  Arthit knew how chocolate cakes were stress buster for her. Recently she got that proof as well. 

After knowing the reality from which she was running away ,all these things were messing with her mind.

 Her heart wants to accept him but her mind is stopping her.

Before she could think more ,her phone rang, breaking the silent surrounding. 

Without checking the caller id, she picked her phone up.
"Hello," She said.

"Mehak," the voice came from the opposite side.

"Kiaan, hey, how are you?" Mehak asked with a smile, after recognizing the voice.

"I am fine. But what about you? You know I am so damn angry with you. So many things happened but you didn't inform me about a single thing. Do you really think of me as a friend or it is just out of formality." 
Hearing his angry voice ,Mehak couldn't help but feel ashamed. She knew that hiding everything from him wasn't correct as he was her friend. But she didn't want to ruin his holidays with his father, Jigyasa and Shaan with this unnecessary burden.

"I am sorry ,Kiaan. But I didn't want to ruin your holidays. You are my friend ,my family so your happiness really matters to me. I just wanted you to enjoy the trip. Now see everything has sorted out as well. Please Kiaan, forgive me. " Mehak said to him softly.

Next moment she heard a sigh, followed by his words, "It's okay...I just ...I just felt myself useless and thought that you don't think of me as close enough to share your problems with me.
 But now I  understand your point of view . I know you mean it. But Mehak sometimes sharing can help you to feel less distressed ." He said to her.

"I know . Please let's not talk about this  .I am happy now as he got punished.
Now tell me how's Greece?" She asked, diverting the topic.

Yes ,Kiaan along with his family went to Greece as he had promised Jigyasa a trip.

"It's amazing.  We are enjoying it a lot." He said. Happiness was evident in his voice.

"Wow!! But remember, Don't forget to bring amazing gifts for me. Otherwise you will have it from me." Mehak said with a fake stern voice.

"Okay Mom." Kiaan said and they burst out laughing. 

They talked for an hour and cut the call.

Once again Mehak's attention went to Arthit when she decided to talk to the only person who could help her in this situation. 
In the evening 

"I am sorry for being late." Mehak said apologetically as she entered the cafe. 

"It's okay...I just came half an hour ago...it's not much time you know. " Vishal said sarcastically, making Mehak roll her eyes.

"Sometimes I wonder why the fuck I made you my best friend. " Mehak said with a frown.

"Because I am smart and awesome. Most importantly I have a brain which you don't. " Vishal retorded back.

Mehak gave him a look of annoyance and said ," Let's order something, I am very hungry. " 

"You are always hungry." Vishal said only to receive a spoon which Mehak threw at him in anger. 

"Thanks...but I already have one. " Vishal said with a smirk ,showing the spoon to her . Unable to control herself, Mehak laughed and Vishal grinned. 

They ordered their coffee and cheese sandwich. 

"Now tell me, why did you call me urgently?" Vishal asked. 

Mehak took a deep breath and told him about the restlessness she was feeling regarding Arthit . Then she said,
"I don't know what to do...I am just confused. Now I know that he really cares for me, but what if it doesn't remain the same?" 

Vishal smiled and said ," Do you know why Manoj is behind the bars? Most precisely,  who gave the evidence against him to the Police?" 

Mehak frowned and said  ,"Who? " 

"Your husband, Arthit." He replied. 

"What ? How? I mean…!!!" She said in shock.

Vishal smiled and started to narrate what exactly happened to her.

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I am sorry for not replying your comments but as soon as I get some time I will do that surely.

Next update will be soon.

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