18. Saviour of Mom

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Mehak's pov 

"Listen,come early from your shoot today…...we have to go to my friend's house for the puja." Mom said when we were having our breakfast. 

"But Mom,is it necessary for me to go?" I asked her. 

It's not that I don't like puja but I don't like gatherings because once they recognize me being Mehak,the star ,they will start the selfie session and unexpected and unnecessary questions. 

"Yes...I want you to meet her and someone else as well." Mom said with a gleam of happiness in her eyes.

I narrowed my eyes at her and she chuckled. 

"No...no,not for Marriage proposal...it's just another important thing ..so I want you to come with me. " Mom said. I sighed in relief and nodded.

Manik wasn't going with us as he was going to have his classes. 

After having my breakfast,I ran out of the house and drove towards my set.
"Hello Ms. Dumb." 

As soon as I parked my car,I heard someone, calling me from behind.  Hearing the voice ,I knew who it was. 

I turned around and gave a sickly sweet smile to him. He was smirking at me.

"How are you lazy brat?" I said to him. His smirk got wiped off and scowled at me. I just wanted to laugh at his face.

"I am not lazy..you are lazy." He said ,stomping his foot.

"Vishal yaar...tu toh aasani se chir jata hai..(you get teased very easily.) " I laughed and said.

He just rolled his eyes. We started to walk towards our respective vanity van.

"By the way why are you so happy?" He asked me. 

"Means?" I asked him.

"I mean I haven't seen you so happy before...I mean you were kind of reserved, gloomy but from the last  month I am seeing you being quite happy which is actually very good...so what's the secret?" He asked me.

Really!!! Well,Mom was also telling me this a day before yesterday. 

Am I happy? 

Somewhere from my inner self the answer came --- yes..I am happy.

"Nothing...it's just I am happy." I said to him.

He nodded and said, "Okay….it's great to hear..come let's go ,we are getting late." 

I nodded and we both went towards our van.

After an hour of makeup ,I came outside of my vanity van and walked towards our shooting spot where Vishal ,Ankur and the rest of our cast & crew were present already.

Me and Ankur took our position.Our  Director asked ,"Ready?" 

We nodded our heads. 

Soon the shoot started.
"Okay...let's take a break. Have your lunch and then we will resume the shoot. Mehak and Ankur,your scenes are done for today . So you are free to go,if you want to. Others have to wait. So see you all after an hour." Our director said and left from there. We nodded.

"Mehak,let's have lunch together...what do you say?" Ankur asked me. 

"Yeah sure...let me call Vishal also." I said to him. Ankur gave me a smile which looked….forced!?

I called Vishal who replied that he had gone to meet his theatre group as they were going to perform in a new drama.

So me and Ankur decided to have lunch together.
"So,how's your date yesterday?" 
Hearing Ankur's question, I caught off guard. I didn't go for any date in my whole life.

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