42. Mehak's Feelings

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Author's pov 

"Do you still love Kiaan?" 

Hearing the question Mehak looked at him with wide eyes and open mouth. This was beyond her expectations. She wanted this to be a secret because this relationship never existed. Only she was in this ,not Kiaan. It was her one sided love ,her very secret love.

Only her mother who guessed Mehak's love for Kiaan knew about it and Mehak was sure that her mom won't tell it to Arthit and Kiaan won't share this with Arthit as well.

Then how did Arthit come to know? 

"How?" She mumbled in astonishment. 

"Well  ,I know after hearing me you will beat me up, but still I will tell you. I wanted to use the washroom so mom told me to use yours. When after doing my business, I was coming out of your room, my eyes fell on your diary. I opened the first page where it was written ,"To my Love, Kiaan." and after that I didn't read anything . It was enough for me to understand things. I am sorry, I shouldn't have touched your personal diary. " Arthit said.  

He won't deny but he was heartbroken thinking that his wife might still be in love with Kiaan. 

Now he understood why Mehak once said to him ," I don't want to fall  in love. It's beyond my ability"  . When she said that to him,he thought maybe she was scared of commitments. But after seeing the diary he understood the reason was her unrequited love for Kiaan.

Mehak was upset with him for touching her personal diary. But she didn't say anything to him as she knew that if she was in his position, she would have done the same thing. 

Now she remembered that when in the morning she went to her house to help her mom in arrangements, she brought the diary out to take it with her as it was nothing but a memory for her now. But in a hurry she forgot and left it there.

She is happy for Kiaan who is leading the happiest life with Jigyasa and Shaan. In initial days the uneasiness she felt seeing them together, now she doesn't feel anything like this. In fact she feels peaceful and happy seeing them happy.

She has noticed that the uneasiness she has felt seeing Kiaan and Jigyasa together in the past is nothing in front of the amount of jealousy and uncomfort she feels thinking about Arthit's ex who is Aanshi's mother.  Imagining Arthit loving another woman (his ex) is way more heartbreaking than her unrequited love for Kiaan.

So does it mean that what she feels for Arthit is way deeper than she can imagine? 

She shook her head . No no...it's not possible. Arthit's life is still mysterious and how can she feel something like that for him when she doesn't know so many things about him? 
It's impossible according to her.

"MEHAK. " 

Hearing Arthit's voice she jumped on her place. Her thoughts broke. 

"What ?" She asked in a hurry.

"What are you thinking ? I am calling for the last five minutes but you are so deep in your thoughts. Are you planning to kill me for reading your secret?" Arthit joked to lighten the atmosphere. 

He wants to know whether she loves Kiaan or not...but doesn't want to sound desperate so he didn't repeat the question. 

Mehak smirked and said, "Maybe." He smiled, shaking his head. 

Mehak could read his uneasiness and eagerness but didn't reply now. She would tell everything after reaching home.

The rest of the journey passed in silence. 
"Arthit, I want to talk to you about the question you asked me." Mehak said to Arthit who came in their room after keeping sleeping Aanshi in her room.

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