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Hey guys, I hope you're all doing well!

Just wanted to share a quick update with you and ask a few questions. A few of you messaged me and/or wrote comments about wanting to read more of this story. I mentioned to some that I had initially planned to start this story during the events of Goblet of Fire but eventually decided against it because I thought it would be too long. However, I did write those chapters and still have all the files. SO, if you guys are interested, I can post these chapters. Vote/comment if that's something you'd like!

I'm pretty sure I will do it since some already expressed interest in that. Also, I was planning on editing many chapters to improve over all the story so that would give me a chance to do that as well.

My question is would you rather I post these chapters in this same book and rearrange the order of chapters (i.e. post the 'new' gof chapters at the start of the book and just move the rest back) or post them in another book? Let me know what you think and if you have any other ideas please share them with me!

Again, I hope you're all doing well and thank you so much for reading this story and always leaving the most wonderful comments!:)

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