Chapter 50 - The New Headmistress

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Of course, I knew all too well who would replace Dumbledore eve before I saw the new notice the following morning.

By Order of The Ministry of Magic

Dolores Jane Umbridge had replaced Albus Dumbledore as Head of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The above is in accordance with Educational Decree Number Twenty-Eight.

Filch had dragged me to Umbridge's office after saying she wanted to see me. I was waiting outside her office when the door opened and Harry came out. We looked worriedly at each other but said nothing. The door closed itself behind me, trapping me in a pink room filled with pictures of cats. I gulped nervously as I saw her sitting behind her desk, her usual evil smile plastered on her toad-like face.

"Sit," she said, pointing to a chair and I sat down. "What would you like to drink?"

"Oh, I'm not thirsty, but thank you," I said, faking politeness.

"I wish you to have a drink with me. Choose one."

"Fine... tea then," I said.

"There," she said after a moment. "Drink it before it gets cold," she said, making me eye the warm liquid suspiciously.

"You're not drinking," she said, and it became obvious to me that she had put something in my drink. I raised the cup to my lips and pretended to take a sip.

"Where is Albus Dumbledore?" She asked with a smile as I set my cup back on its saucer.

"Er, I don't know," I said with a frown.

"Let's not play childish gamed, Miss Rosier," she said. "Your friend Potter surely knows where he is and I know he confides in you so please tell me now where Albus Dumbledore is."

"I'm very sorry Professor," I said, "But Harry and I are not so close anymore, so I truly do not know where Professor Dumbledore is," I said truthfully.

"Very well," she sighed. "What about Sirius Black?"

A shiver ran down my spine. "I beg your pardon?"

"Where is Sirius Black?" She asked.

"I don't know," I said, perhaps too quickly.

"Let me remind you that it was I who almost caught the criminal Black in the Gryffindor fire in October. And I know you were there with Potter," she said, making me gulp. "So I will ask you one more time, where is Sirius Black?"

"I have no idea," I said loudly. She glanced out the window, giving me the opportunity to empty my cup into a flower pot.

"Very well, Miss Rosier, I will take your word for it," she said and I felt a surge of relief flow through me.

She let me out and I quickly walked back to the hallway, only to be stopped by a hand gripping my arm tightly.

"What?" I asked Harry.

"What did she say? Did she ask about Pa —"

There was a loud explosion coming from several floors below. We looked questioningly at one another before leaning against the railing to see a bunch of Fireworks being set off. We saw Umbridge hurry out of her classroom and walk down the stairs. Suddenly a large dragon-shaped firework shot toward Umbridge, making her scream and run in the opposite direction. So as to not be caught by Umbridge, Harry and I walked away, laughing as we slipped behind a tapestry that hid a secret door. Once we opened it, we saw Fred and George hiding.

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