Epilogue (Pt. 1) - Farewell

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Hi everyone, I hope you're all doing well! I want to apologize for taking so long with this chapter. School has been pretty chaotic these past weeks and left me with barely any time to write. To make up for taking so long, here's an extra long chapter! I was inspired by a scene from Deathly Hallows part 1 (you'll recognize which one). Then I got a bit carried away and decided to write a scene that had been highly requested in the comments (hint/warning: this chapter gets NSFW at the end). Hope you enjoy😉


The sky was a dark grey, and it was pouring, as though nature wanted to be some elaborate metaphor for the pain searing my heart.

When I walked inside, the sound of the rain was completely cut off, but suddenly the silence surrounding me felt worse. A part of me wanted to turn around and leave.

As though reading my mind, Harry squeezed my hand. "It'll be alright," he whispered in my ear.

We sat down at the very front where my dad and Andromeda, Tonk's mother, were sitting. Little Teddy was sleeping soundly in her arms. His small tuffet of hair was bright blond today, and his hands formed tiny fists as he held his blanket. Even that did not distract me.

My eyes were fixed on the two coffins ahead. I shivered, my hands shaking as I held the paper on which I had written the speech I had been asked to give.

Since the battle, I had forced myself to not think about Remus and Tonks. That had been hard to do in Teddy's presence. Adorable little Teddy, who was a perfect blend of his parents but would never know them.

"Look at me," Harry said, once again like he could sense my spiralling thoughts.

I let out a shaky breath as I looked into his eyes.

"I love you, okay? We'll get through this together," he said.

I nodded weakly. "Together."

I zoned out as the ceremony began because I knew I could not listen to people talk about Tonks and Remus without breaking down, and I desperately needed not to break down before it was my turn.

My thoughts betrayed me. I could see Remus sitting in the kitchen, a wide smile on his face as I showed him a new spell I had learned. I remembered my dad and him taking me to Diagon Alley before my first year at Hogwarts. Remus had bought a chocolate quill for me to take on the train. Regardless of how excited I was, he knew how much it pained me to know I would not see him for so long, and he had always been an ardent believer that chocolate could cure any ache.

I had been so proud when I had seen him standing at the front of the DADA class for the first time. He was the best teacher we had ever had, and no one ever compared to him. He had always been so inspiring, even when he had been at his lowest.

He had always been there for me.

"Liz," Harry whispered, his hand on my thigh shook me gently. "It's your turn."

I nodded to thank him before standing up and slowly making my way to the podium facing the rows of chairs. I avoided looking at the coffins, but it was like they were staring at me.

My heart was pounding against my ribcage like the blasts of a battlefield as I scanned the crowd. Ginny, Fred, and George were sitting in the second row. Bill and Charlie were there, too, with Fleur. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley gave me warm, comforting smiles, but their eyes reflected my own pain. Hermione and Ron were sitting just behind Harry. Their presence gave me the courage to begin.

"For those of you who don't know me," I said, trying to ignore the shakiness of my voice, "I'm Elizabeth. Elizabeth Rosier. I'm — er, I mean, I was Remus' goddaughter."

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