Chapter 95 - The Silver Doe

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"I don't understand," I said as I looked around. "Where are we?"

We had just Apparated in what seemed to be a dark and uninhabited forest.

Ron shrugged. "Beats me."

"Let me get this straight," I said. "That ball of light went through you and suddenly you just knew you had to Apparate here?"

"Yeah," Ron said. "You were there."

I sighed. "I know, but none of this makes any sense."

Ron shrugged again. "Let's just look around, they must be here."

I looked at him in doubt, but he did not see because of the darkness. We began to walk around the trees and small hills, but the place was deserted.

"Harry?" Ron called.

"Ron!" I whisper shouted. "Are you mad? Anyone could hear you!"

"Right," he said in a low voice as though remembering his last encounter with a band of snatchers.

We searched for hours for footprints in the snow or even the slightest sound, but there was nothing.

"Maybe we should just make camp for the night and continue our search in the morning," I said, but Ron was not listening.

"What are you doing?" he asked from a few feet away.

"What?" I said.

"Your Patronus — " he said and pointed at something behind me. " — is a doe, right?"

I frowned as I turned around and saw a beautiful silver doe walking across the forest.

"That's not me. . . ."

We exchanged a nervous look before carefully walking toward it, but before we could get anywhere near it, it transformed into a ball of light before disappearing. I climbed over a rock to see where it had gone, but instead, I saw someone removing their clothes before jumping into a small pool of water. I felt my heart tighten in my chest: it was Harry.

"What is it?" Ron said as he noticed y expression.

"Harry," I said simply before I began to run toward the pool.


I stopped abruptly before the pool and placed my hand on the water, which I found to be freezing.

"What is he doing? He'll freeze to death!" I said.

Bubbles began to form at the surface and suddenly there was a bang. My eyes widened as I realized Harry was punching the ice from beneath the surface.

"He's drowning!" I said in a panicked voice.

I cast a heating charm to melt off the ice and before I knew it Ron dropped his bag beside me and jumped into the water. I let out a gasp of surprise as droplets of cold water splashed onto my skin. The next moment Ron's hand gripped the edge of the ice and I saw that he was holding Harry. My eyes widened in shock as he held up the sword of Gryffindor. I helped him get out of the water as he dragged Harry's body onto the grass, who was coughing loudly. I was so shaken by what had just happened that I could not even process the fact that he was actually there in front of me.

"Are — you — mental?"

Harry staggered to his feet, shivering violently and stared dumbfounded at Ron who held the sword of Gryffindor in one hand and the locket in the other.

"Why the hell," Ron panted as he showed off the Horcrux, "didn't you take this thing off before you dived?"

Harry did not answer. He glanced at me then and his eyes widened as though he had not even noticed my presence before. All the things I had been wanting to say to him for months ran through my head, making my heart beat wildly in my chest. But then he spoke and all the anger building up inside me vanished at once.

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