Chapter 79 - Sectumsempra

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Anticipation was running high amongst the students as the final Quidditch match of the season loomed around the corner. The upcoming Gryffindor against Ravenclaw game would determine who won the championship, which was still wide open.

I was patiently waiting for Harry to gather his belongings after one of his practices.

"The team's never been better," Harry said enthusiastically. "We might really have a chance at winning."

"Of course you have a chance!" I said. "You're an amazing captain, and as you said, your team has never been better."

He chuckled. "Yeah, well, let's hope I really am as good as you say because if it goes badly, no one's ever going to let me forget that I'm the one who captained Gryffindor to our first bottom-of-the-table defeat in two centuries," he said gloomily.

"It won't come to that," I said encouragingly before kissing him.

We walked hand in hand back to the castle but were intercepted by a bunch of Ravenclaw students in the entrance hall.

"Ready to lose, Potter?" One of them said and they all laughed.

I rolled my eyes and pulled Harry away before he could retort.

"I love Quidditch," I said once we passed through the portrait hole, "but all this rivalry is so pointless."

"It's not pointless," Harry said as though I had just insulted him. "It creates anticipation and makes the players a little bit stressed, which is good. Makes them perform better."

"A little stressed?" I said. "Yesterday I saw Demelza Robins barge into the girl's bathroom and throw up."

Harry bit his lips. "Yeah, well, that is pretty bad — but still. . . ."

I shook my head but smiled slightly at him.

"I have to get some books at the library for our Charms essay, want to come?" I asked him as I grabbed my school bag.

"No, thanks," he said. "I should really practice turning vinegar into wine or Flitwick will lose it."

I nodded and kissed him before walking out through the portrait hole. I turned toward the corridor leading to the library but felt someone grabbed my arm from behind and pull me into a classroom. I heard the door shut tight and realized with shock that Draco was standing in front of me.

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Can I help you?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

He seemed nervous, which made me frown. "Did you tell anyone? Did you tell your boyfriend scarhead?"

I huffed and shook my head. "No, I — "

"You didn't tell anyone?" He said, confused. I shook my head once more. "Why?"

I shrugged. "I didn't think you'd appreciate that much, but if I'd have known you'd be so arrogant and rude, believe me, I would have told everyone," I said, though I did not mean it.

He seemed to pale. "No, no— please, don't tell anyone."

"I won't," I said softly, frowning. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Fine," he said coldly and took a step toward the door. "If you tell anyone about what you saw or what happened just now I — I,"

"Don't worry," I said again. "I won't say anything."

He gulped and nodded. "Thank you," he mumbled before walking away, leaving me even more confused than before.


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