Chapter 53 - Centaurs and Thestrals

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When we reached the corridor of Umbridge's office, Neville, Luna and Ginny offered to stand at the end of the corridor to stop people from coming because of Garroting Gas, which was all Ginny's idea. Harry, Hermione and I all hid beneath the invisibility cloak and walked toward her office. Harry took out Sirius' knife and unlocked the door. He wasted no time in pulling off the cloak and throwing himself in front of the fire.

"Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place!"

Hermione and I glanced nervously at each other as Harry talked into the fire.

"I hope he's there," I said anxiously as I held onto my wand tightly.

I began to hear sounds coming from the corridor and turned toward Harry and Hermione. "I think someone's coming!" I said, but before we had time to do anything, the door burst open, revealing a very angry Umbridge as well as several members of the Inquisitorial Squad, four of which were holding onto Ron, Ginny, Luna and Neville. Umbridge walked toward the fire and angrily pulled Harry out of the fire.

"You think," she said, "that with everything going on, I was going to let my office unsecured?  I had Stealth Sensoring Spells placed all around my doorway, you foolish boy. Take their wands."

Draco made his way toward me and grabbed my wand before holding onto me tightly, smirking as he did so. I cast him an angry look before turning back to Umbridge.

"I want to know why you are in my office," she said.

"I was — trying to get my Firebolt!" Harry croaked.

"Liar!" Umbridge said. "You had your head in my fire. With whom have you been communicating?"

"No one," Harry said.

"LIAR!" She roared as she pushed him onto a chair.

"Clearly, it was very important for you to talk to somebody. Was it Albus Dumbledore? Or the half-breed, Hagrid?" She asked, making me boil with anger.

"It's none of your business who I talk to," Harry said.

At this moment, Professor Snape entered the small office. "You asked for me?" He said.

"Yes, Professor Snape," she said, "I would like another bottle of Veritaserum, as quick as you can, please."

"You took my last bottle to interrogate Potter," he said.

"You can make some more, can't you?" She asked furiously.

"Certainly," Professor Snape said. "It takes a full moon cycle to mature, so I should have it ready for you in around a month."

"A month?" She squawked.

Professor Snape only stared at her as if he did not give a care in the world — he probably did, I thought.

"He's got Padfoot!" Harry shouted, making us all turn to him. "He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden!"

"Padfoot?" Umbridge cried. "What is Padfoot? Where what is hidden? What does he mean, Snape?"

Snape stared at Harry for a moment. "No idea," he said before walking away.

"Very well," Umbridge said as she pulled out her wand. "You give me no choice, Potter...As this is an issue of Ministry security, you leave me with no alternative...The Cruciatus Curse ought to loosen your tongue," she said quietly, making everyone gasp.

"That's illegal!" Hermione said.

"What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him," Umbridge said as she pointed her wand at Harry. "Cru —"

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