Chapter 45 - On The Knight Bus

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Hermione, Ginny and I were watching Ron and Harry play wizard chess when Mrs. Weasley walked in.

"Harry," she said with a smile, "could you come down to the kitchen? Professor Snape would like a word with you."

We all turned questioningly to Harry, whose mouth was hanging open, indicating that he was as clueless as the rest of us.

"Come on, quickly, he says he can't stay long," she said and disappeared into the hallway.

"Wonder what Snape wants," Ron said when Harry had left. We all shrugged and I sat down in front of him to begin a new game of chess.

After a while, we heard footsteps in the corridor and Harry entered the room. He told us what happened and that he was to have Occlumency lessons with Professor Snape.

"Dumbledore wants to stop you having those dreams about Voldemort," Hermione said. "Well, you won't be sorry not to have them anymore, will you?"

But all Harry and Ron seemed to get from this was that Harry would be stuck having more lessons with Snape. I rolled my eyes at this. Of course, Snape was no more my favourite teacher than he was their's but he was a member of the Order of the Phoenix, he was on our side. Not only this, Harry's nightmares were becoming worse, and I could not understand why the prospect of being rid of them did not enchant him.

The rest of the day was spent playing more wizard chess and knitting even more hats for the house-elves while avoiding Fred and George's pranks. It was our last day at Grimmauld Place: we were to return to Hogwarts the next morning on the Knight Bus. I woke the next morning before everyone else and silently walked down to the kitchen so as to not wake anyone. I was but a few feet from the doorway when I heard voices coming from the room.

"We need him, Remus," I heard Tonks say in a low voice.

"I know, but he won't change his mind," Remus said, sounding tired and exasperated.

"Isn't there something we could do to change it, then?" She asked, making Remus sigh heavily. He stayed silent for a moment.

"Couldn't Elizabeth make him understand?"

At the mention of my name I froze. Who in Merlin's beard were they talking about?

"Do not drag her into this," He said defensively, his voice slightly above a whisper so that Tonks immediately shushed him. "He doesn't want her to know..."

"She's one of the cleverest people I know, Remus," she said, "she'll find out sooner or later whether he wants it or not."

"Then let it be later," he said. "Greg's only now starting to consider rejoining the Order, I won't go against his wishes by letting her know what happened and ruin that."

I then understood they were talking about my dad and frowned. What was it that he was so keen not to tell me? I knew my dad had been a member of the Order the last time, but I did not know why he did not seem keen on rejoining. I supposed it had something to do with what Lupin and Tonks were discussing. I tried to seem as though I was not thinking about those things as I entered the kitchen. They both stopped whispering and smiled at me.

"Morning, Elizabeth," Remus said with a glance at Tonks.

I gulped nervously, trying to push my questions at the back of my head. "Good morning," I said as I grabbed a box of cereal and sat down beside him.

"Excited to go back to Hogwarts?" He asked. The banality of his questions made me frown. It was as though he was purposely trying to stay away from any subject that might lead to the Order or perhaps my dad.

"I don't know, I mean it's different," I said while pouring milk into my bowl. "That Umbridge woman's always making herself seem superior to other teachers, even McGonagall. I mean, she's fouler than a sack of dragon dung."

Tonks giggled, but Remus put his arm around my chair and gave me a reproachful look. "Now, you shouldn't talk about your Professors like that," he said, but there was a slight smirk playing at his lips.

"Oh, please," I said, "you wouldn't be saying that if you'd been in the same room as her for a minute," Tonks and Remus exchanged another look, as though thinking I was exaggerating because I was upset. "It's true! She's highly prejudiced and hates everyone who's — er, I mean... she hates people who aren't, er..." I said, desperately trying to find a word that would not seem cruel.

But Remus chuckled. "You mean how she absolutely despises half-breeds?" He said and I gave him a pitiful look.

"I'm — I didn't mean to —"

"Oh, dear," He said with a smile. "I do know what she's like."

"You do?"

"Yes," he said. "A few years ago she drafted a bit of anti-werewolf legislation that makes it almost impossible for me to get a job."

"Well now I hate her even more," I said, making him smile.

At this moment, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George and Ginny entered the kitchen. They had a hurried breakfast before we all pulled on our jackets and scarves. We said goodbye to everyone who had come down to wish us a good trip back and walked out into the chilly January morning. Remus flung out his right arm and a purple triple-decker bus appeared.

A thin, pimply, jug-eared youth in a purple uniform leapt down onto the pavement and said, "Welcome to the —"

"Yeah, we know," Tonks said hastily as she pushed us all inside.

"I've always wanted to get on this thing," Ron said. Hermione and I looked at each other, neither of us sharing the same enthusiasm.

Remus stayed with Fred, George and Ginny and the rest of us proceeded to the very top deck where the only available spots were. We all handed Stan eleven sickles and the bus set off again. I barely had enough time to grip the nearest pole as the bus turned to stop myself from falling. Ron had fallen to the ground and would have most likely been flung to the back o the bus if it hadn't been for Harry being in the way.

"I change my mind," Ron said as he finally managed to stand up. "I never want to ride this thing again."

The bus seemed to be heading straight for a building. I covered my eyes with my hands, but when I removed them I saw that we were now on a motorway. I had barely enough time to settle myself more comfortably on my seat before the scenery changed again: we were now on a quiet country lane full of hairpin bends, making us sway from left to right. A few minutes later I realized we were rolling through Hogsmeade and with a loud bang, the bus stopped abruptly.

Remus and Tonks helped us with our luggage as we stepped outside in front of the gates to Hogwarts. "You'll be safe once you're on the grounds," she said.

"Look after yourselves," Remus said as he glanced at Harry. He shook all their hand but when he got to me I leaned in and hugged him, making him chuckle.

"Have a good term, dear," He said with a smile. I then hugged Tonks as he proceeded to whisper something to Harry.

The seven of us walked up the slippery road leading to the castle doors. I turned around as we walked inside and saw that the Knight Bus was already long gone. Sighing, I picked up my suitcase and crossed the large door frame and walked toward the Gryffindor common room, the mysterious conversation of the morning still on my mind.

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