Chapter 84 - A Surprise Visit

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Birds chirping in the distance, sun pouring in through flowery drapes, and warm air draping over my skin, yet my body felt cold and lifeless. I slowly stood and opened the drapes, letting the sunlight completely illuminate my bedroom. I looked around at my belongings as though for the last time before my eyes settled on the small pouch resting on my desk in which most of my clothes, books, and other essentials had been placed using an Undetectable Extension Charm.

I sighed deeply before standing up and slowly making my way down to the kitchen from where I could hear low voices.

"There's been a change of plan," I heard a woman say.

"What?" My dad said. "Why? What's the plan now?"

My eyes widened as I realized what they were discussing and I jumped down the remaining steps and ran quickly toward. My dad and Hestia Jones, an Auror he worked with, looked at me questioningly.

"I suppose you can tell me later," my dad told her.

"No!" I said. "If this concerns Harry, then I want to know!"

They both stayed silent, and I gave an exasperated growl.

"Dad, you're being ridiculous!" I said.

"This is for your own safety," he said softly.

"I'm 17, I'm of age now," I said in a matter-of-factly tone. "You can't control me like this anymore. I said I wanted to help and I will, whether you want it or not!"

Before my dad could retort, Hestia spoke up. "Pius Thicknessehas gone over, which gives us a big problem," she said.

My dad looked at her with wide eyes. "Hestia!"

She ignored him. "He's made it an imprisonable offence to connect the Dursley's home to the Floo Network, place aPortkey there, or Apparate in or out. He did all this to protect Harry, to prevent You-Know-Who from getting to him. But all that's done is stop him from getting out of there safely."

"Brilliant," I said morosely.

"Furthermore," she said in the same tone, "Harry is still underage, which means he still has the Trace on him. "

"So what are we going to do?" I asked.

"We'll have to use the only means of transport they can't detect: brooms."

"Well, alright but won't they — "

"I'm not finished," she said with a small smile. "I believe you are familiar with Polyjuice Potion?"

I looked from her to my dad, my eyes widening as I understood what she was saying.

"You're joking, right?" I said with a small laugh. "Harry'll never agree to this!"

"Well, it's really not for him to decide," my dad said. "It's the only way."

"When is this happening?" I asked.

They both looked at each other before turning to me again. "Tonight."

"What?" I exclaimed, startled. "Blimey, I have to hurry!"

"Not so fast," my dad said, causing me to glare at him. "You will not be there."

"But — "

"You will go directly to The Burrow and wait for us there, is that understood?" he said.

I only mumbled in response.

"Is that understood?" he repeated in a louder voice.

"Yes, fine, whatever," I said reluctantly.

"Alright then," Hestia said. "I better be off, Dedalus will be waiting for me. We have to hurry if we want to make it to the Dursley's on time."

"You're going too?" I said.

"Only to escort the Dursley's to a safe place," she explained and I nodded.

I had a quick breakfast before I ran up to my bedroom and rapidly went over the things I absolutely needed to bring along. I changed out of my pyjamas and into a pair of blue jeans and a red sweater. I tied my hair into a braid and wrapped Harry's black denim coat over myself before quietly slipping out of the house unnoticed as I clutched my pouch. I looked back at the house I grew up in, a small smile on my lips before I turned my back on it and Disapparated.


I Apparated in the middle of a small suburban street. As I walked, I noticed that all the houses looked exactly the same. It was no wonder Harry did not like this place. It took me no more than five minutes to find the sign labelled Privet Drive, and before I knew it I saw Harry standing in front of his house. Beside him were Hestia and Dedalus, as well as Harry's aunt, uncle and cousin. I hid behind a bush and only came out once the car drove out of sight. I stood quickly and made my way toward the front door on which I gave three hesitant knocks. The door opened immediately, and on the other side stood Harry, with a very surprised expression on his handsome face.

"Hi," I said simply.

"Hi — what are you doing here?" he asked with a small laugh as he pulled me inside. "I thought Mad-Eye was getting me — ?"

"Change of plan," I said as I followed him into the house. "Mad-Eye will explain later'" I added and he nodded. "I missed you."

"I missed you, too," he said before he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me softly.

"So," I said as I propped myself up on the kitchen counter and looked around. "This is where you grew up."

"Yeah," he said. "Mr. Weasley blew up that fireplace, over there — " he said with a laugh as he pointed to a gas fireplace in the living room. "— and my cousin threw up on this doormat after he'd been attacked by Dementors. . . ."

I covered my mouth with my hands to suppress a laugh.

"And I blew up Aunt Marge —" he said as he moved to the kitchen, " — right here."

I laughed again, and this time he turned to me. He smiled slightly, and I noticed a softness in his eyes as he moved toward me.

"And I told a beautifully brilliant girl I loved her for the first time," he said, "right here."

He was standing right in front of me as I looked at him with wide eyes, my mouth agape.

"W — what?" I breathed out.

He closed the distance between us and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Elizabeth," he spoke softly as he stared into my eyes. "I love you."

I let out a small giggle as I smiled brightly at him. "I love you, too, Harry."

He leaned in toward me and kissed me, softly at first, then more deeply as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. He stood in the place between my legs, his body pressed against mine. The kiss soon turned heated as I let his tongue explored my mouth. Never before had he kissed me like this, and I felt a warmness spread all over my body. The moment was shortlived, however, as we were interrupted by a loud knock on the door.

Reluctantly pulling away, he hoisted me off the counter before going to open the door to reveal Hagrid, as well as several other people who, one by one, were appearing in the front yard as their DisillusionmentCharms lifted. It was time.

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