Chapter 47 - Harry's Interview

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Over the next few days, there seemed to be only one topic on every single person's mind: the ten escaped Death Eaters. I was desperately trying not to think of Evan Rosier or any of the other escapees, but I consistently overhead people talking about them. Rumours were flying that some of the convicts had been spotted in Hogsmeade, that they were supposed to be hiding out in the Shrieking Shack and that they were going to break into Hogwarts. Now, I knew that these were just that: Rumours, but they did nothing to appease my mind. Some of the other students were related to victims of the escapees and had soon unwillingly found themselves the center of attention. I, on the other hand, had quickly dismissed being related to Evan Rosier, saying that I had only heard of him as they all had and that I knew nothing more on the matter. Everyone seemed to believe me, except Harry and Ron. But whatever they suspected I knew, they made no comment at all.

There was, however, one good thing that had come of this. People were finally beginning to realize that the Daily Prophet's claims about Harry and Dumbledore and their outrageous propaganda against Sirius were not making any sense. Of course, it only made sense that Umbridge was to pass another decree stating that we were not allowed to talk about the matter nor ask questions about it, and that's exactly what happened with Educational Decree Number Twenty-Six, which banned teachers from talking about anything other than their teaching subjects with students.

The weekend finally arrived, and it was a Hogsmeade weekend, too. I was sitting in the common room with Harry, Ron and Hermione reading a letter from my father when Hermione let out a loud sigh.

"'Was about time! If it hadn't come today..." she said eagerly as she opened an envelope. I leaned in toward her to read the letter as she did, and frowned. "Listen, Harry... do you think you could meet me in the Three Broomsticks around midday? It's really important."

"Well, er, I dunno..." he said, "Cho might be expecting me to spend the whole day together."

I gulped. "You're going to Hogsmeade with Cho?" I asked.

"Yeah, well, it's Valentines Day," he said as though it were obvious.

I hid behind the Daily Prophet I had snatched from Hermione so that he wouldn't see my face. Truth is, it was obvious that he'd be spending the day with her. I had just hoped perhaps he had changed his mind.

"Look, bring her if you want, I don't mind," Hermione told him.

"Well... alright. But why?" He asked.

"I haven't got time to tell you, I've got to answer this quickly..." she said as she hurried out of the Great Hall.

"Are you coming?" He asked Ron.

"No," Ron heaved with a sigh. "Angelina wants us to practice all day for the next match. We"re the worst team ever..."

Ron soon left, leaving Harry and me alone. He cleared his throat, making me look up at him. "Are you going?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm going with Hermione."

"Right, do you know what that's all about?"

"Nope, sorry," I said, but caught sight of Cho staring at me from the Ravenclaw table. "Your girlfriend's staring at you," I told him as though I did not give a care in the world, or so I hoped.

"My w— oh," he said, turning around to wave at her with a smile on his face.

"See ya," I said, not waiting for him to turn back around before walking out of the Great Hall.


Hermione and I were walking down the High Street toward the Three Broomsticks. She was rambling on and on about her plan to have Rita Skeeter interview Harry and how she hoped it would have the effect she was hoping for when I saw two familiar figures through the window of a small coffee shop. Hermione walked a few steps before realizing I had stopped. She looked at what I was staring at and frown.

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