Chapter 80 - The Quidditch Final

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On Saturday morning Hermione, Ron, Harry and I had a rather quiet breakfast in the midst of the bubbling excitement of the Great Hall. Ron was quite nervous, even more so than usual now that Harry would not be with the team today. Harry was receiving many angry glares from fellow Gryffindors who were certain that all was lost now because of him.

"Forget about them," I told him as I caressed his arm. "You've got enough on your plate as it is."

He simply groaned in response. After a while, I kissed him goodbye before heading toward the Quidditch pitch with Hermione and Ron.

"Last game of the year already," Ron mused.

"Good luck, Ron!" I said before looking for a place to sit.

"Whatever happens, you're a great player, Ron," I heard Hermione tell him before catching up with me.

Moral was running low amongst the Gryffindor students while members of other houses cheered loudly. As the match began, I found it almost unbearable to watch Ravenclaw score again and again so easily. But forty minutes through the match, the tables began to turn. Ron was able to block Ravenclaw's three following attempts to score while Dean managed to hit the Quaffle straight into their goal.

"YES!" I shouted in delight as everyone around us whistled and screamed.

Ron only got better as the match wore on so that Ravenclaw was only able to make another goal in the next half hour.

"Another goal for Gryffindor!" Zacharias Smith shouted through his microphone. "The score is now three hundred to a hundred and forty!"

Everyone began to sing 'Weasley Is Our King' at the top of their lungs. However, we were still last in the championship.

Ravenclaw scored again, which only increased the tension building up in the arena. However, Ginny, who was replacing Harry as Seeker, suddenly sped off toward the sky, Cho on her tails. After a while, Ginny caught the snitch, causing us all to erupt into a roar of shouts.

"Ginny Weasley has caught the snitch!" Smith announced. "Gryffindor wins the house cup!"

Hermione and I hugged each other happily as shouted in delight.

It took us a while to get to Ron and Ginny due to the overwhelming excitement.

"We won!" Ron said gleefully as though announcing to us something that we did not already know.

"Yes! You were amazing!" Hermione said as she hugged him.

I hugged him as well before turning to Ginny. "Let's go find Harry," I said. "He'll be over the moon once you tell him you caught the snitch and saved the game!"


Ginny and Ron were heroes that night in the common room. Everyone had cheered so loud when we had entered through the portrait hole and had pulled them to the center of the room where they had been cheered in for several minutes as they brandished the silver cup into the air. Only half an hour later did I hear people screaming near the portrait hole. I stood from where I had been sitting and pushed my way to where I saw Harry being dragged over.

"We won!" Ron shouted as he showed Harry the cup. "We won! Four hundred and fifty to a hundredand forty! We won!"

Harry looked around, a relieved and delighted expression on his face. His smile grew wider as he set eyes on me and I jumped into his arms, not caring about the fifty people watching us. He kissed me then, and I heard many people wolf-whistle and laugh around us, but I did not care.

"It was Ginny," I said with a smile. "She caught the snitch!"

Harry's eyes searched the crowd, but Ginny was already making her way toward us. She hugged him tightly, a wide smile on her face.

"You should've seen Cho's face!" She said with a laugh before walking away.

I laughed slightly as I dragged Harry away from the crowd and handed him a drink.

"How was detention?" I asked.

"Awful," he groaned. "He made me clear out old records of people's pranks and what they got as punishment," he said dispassionately.

"Well, it's better than Umbridge making you write lines with your own blood," I said.

He chuckled bitterly. "Yeah, well, if you look at it that way. . . ."

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