Chapter 59 - Back To The Burrow

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The next morning, Hermione and I had a quick breakfast before Lupin came to pick us up. Mrs. Weasley had delightfully accepted to welcome us to The Burrow a few days early after receiving my letter the previous day. I did not say goodbye to my dad as we left for I was furious with him.

"You really think he would have done that?" Hermione asked as she pushed open the broom-shed door and entered into the yard.

"There's no other explanation, Mione," I said.

"I know— but that's just awful!" She exclaimed.

"Hermione!" Ron said as he walked out the back door. "Elizabeth," he said with less enthusiasm, which made me frown.

"Good to see you too, Ronald," I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Sorry," he mumbled. "I just feel I should be mad at you. You know, for Harry's sake."

"What?" I asked as I exchanged a look with Hermione.

Our conversation was abruptly ended by everyone greeting us as we walked into the kitchen. I smiled at Ginny but stopped abruptly in my tracks when I saw a familiar girl sitting beside her.

"Hello, girls!" Fleur Delacour said with a bright smile. "Eet's so nice to see you again."

I simply smiled at her but saw Hermione roll her eyes as she caught Ron practically drooling over the French girl.

"Are you hungry, girls?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"No, we just had breakfast. But thank you," I said with a smile before Ron dragged us to his bedroom.

"Are you going to explain or—?" Hermione said.

"Oh, right, er— listen don't be mad at me, alright?" Ron said as he looked at me.

"Can't make any promises," I said.

"Right," he sighed as he sat on his bed. "Harry's pissed. Really pissed, even, because you didn't write to him."

I scoffed. "Ron, I did write to him!"

"You did?" He asked in a low voice.

"Yes!" I exclaimed. "And I never got the letters he apparently sent to me either!"

"He did send you letters!" Ron said defensively.

"Whether or not he sent them is not really the issue anyway," Hermione said.

"Well it does—" I said but she interrupted me.

"Liz thinks her dad intercepted the letters," she explained to him.

"What? Why?"

"Because he doesn't want me to be close to Harry, says it's too dangerous," I said.

"That's ridiculous," Ron said. "I mean, your dad's back in the Order and he reckons you're the one in danger because you're friends with Harry?"

"Well, he does have a point," Hermione said making us both look at her. "I don't mean that I agree with him! Of course, I don't, it's completely unreasonable. But, he's not wrong in thinking it puts us in danger to be close to Harry."

"You're joking, right?" Ron asked.

"Please, Ronald," she sighed. "You saw what happened at the Ministry last time... it is dangerous but—"

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