Chapter 69 - Christmas At The Burrow

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Harry and I were sitting in the common room the following morning, our packed bags resting beside us, as we waited for Ron before heading to the train. My head was comfortably rested on his shoulder as he recalled the last encounter he had had with Ron the previous day, or rather, his previous encounter with Ron glued to Lavender.

"She calls him Won-Won?" I said with a laugh.

"Yep, it's really pathetic," he said with a chuckle. "Oh, god, don't tell me you'll get a nickname for me,"

I lifted my head and raised my eyebrows. "You wouldn't like that, Pottah?" I said jokingly. 

He shook his head, laughing, before he bent down to kiss me, but someone coughed behind me.

"Good morning?" I recognized Hermione's voice.

"Oh," I pulled away and turned to face her, but Harry pulled me back toward him, causing us to laugh. "Morning, Mione."

She rolled her eyes but smiled. "Was about time," she said simply. "I was wondering where you two had gone last night. I guess this explains it."

"No, listen," I said gravely, "we've something important to tell you."

"It's about Malfoy," Harry said.

"Please don't tell me you're in on this whole Malfoy-is-a-death-eater-thing," she told me disappointingly as she rolled her eyes.

"No, just listen," Harry said. "We overheard Snape and Malfoy last night —"

"Have you seen Won-Won?" Lavender suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"He's still upstairs," Harry said without even looking at her.

"Won-Won!" She exclaimed and I turned to see Ron standing behind us.

"I'll be going now," Hermione whispered to Harry and me. "Happy Christmas."

"Happy Christmas, Mione!" I said as she disappeared through the portrait hole. I sighed and turned to face Ron, who was already entangled with Lavender like roots on the forest floor. "Ready?" I asked loudly, causing them to pull apart.

"Oh, right, yeah," he said.

The three of us grabbed our bags and walked out of the common room, heading toward the train that would lead us to the Burrow.

Harry and I walked in silence through the train, waiting with sheepish smiles for Ron to notice our entwined hands as he talked about anything and everything. We finally found an empty compartment and not even two minutes later Lavender stopped just outside. Under our uncomfortable eyes, she drew a heart with her's and Ron's initials in the fogy window. I heard Harry stifle his laugh behind me, causing me to turn around and look at him instead.

"What is she doing?" I mouthed, causing him to shrug.

I shook my head and let out a chuckle once she had left.

"Lovely," Harry said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

Ron remained oblivious.

"All she wants to do is snog me!" He exclaimed. "My lips are getting chapped, look — "

He leaned in toward us as if to show us, but Harry titled his head away and in doing so leaned his head against mine.

"I'll take your word for it," he said, causing me to giggle.

"Why don't you just break up with her, then?" I asked as I wrapped my arm around Harry's chest.

Without even saying anything, I knew Harry and I were just waiting for Ron to notice. I could tell by Harry's small smirk anytime he squeezed my hand or brought me closer to him. My heart became all warm at the thought.

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