Chapter 34 - Hogwarts, Fifth Year

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"I knew it!" Ron yelled, punching the air. "You always get away with stuff !"

Harry and Mr.Weasley has just returned from the hearing at the Ministry with good news, fortunately.

"They had to clear you," I said, although I could not deny I had been extremely worried. "There was no case against you, none at all..."

We were all sitting in the kitchen as Harry told us about his hearing.

"Ya, well, Fudge didn't seem to share that opinion..." He said, but his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of an owl entering through the window. The Great Gray Owl flew over the table, dropping letters in front of each of us, before crashing into the kitchen cabinets.

We all winced as the owl fell down on the counter with a thud. "Oh, Errol," Ron sighed.

I turned my letter around and saw the Hogwarts stamp on it: this was our booklist! I smiled happily as I ripped the enveloppe. I heard loud footsteps running down the stairs before Fred, George, and Ginny appeared in the door frame. They rushed to get their letters and sat down on the empty chairs.

"What's all this racket?" Mrs.Weasley's voice echoed through the hall before she appeared in the door frame. "Oh, you've all got your letters!"

We were all too busy going over the list as she went on. "If you give them to me I'll take them over to Diagon Alley this afternoon and get your books while your packing," She said, grabbing our letters one by one before smiling and leaving the room. We all went to our rooms and began to pack for we were bound to be at platform nine and three quarters tomorrow morning.


The ride to Hogwarts was as long and eventless as it had ever been. I read my book for most of the journey, but also talked with Ron and Hermione. Harry, on the other hand, said nothing the whole way. He simply stared out the foggy window, leaving me to wonder what he was thinking about, and if he really was alright.

I was glad when I looked through the window and caught a glimpse of Hogwart's high towers through the fog. Not long after, the train stopped. I stood up and gathered my things, exiting our cubicle quickly, glad to get out of the suffocating atmosphere that had been reigning over my head.

We walked out of the train, but only a moment later did I hear Malfoy's snake tongue shout insults at Harry.

"I'm surprised the Ministry is still letting you walk around free, Potter. You better enjoy it while you can," He was walking beside me now, and I clenched my jaw. "I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it."

At this Harry moved toward Malfoy, but Ron quickly grabbed him from behind. "What'd I tell you?" He said as he walked away. "Complete nutter."

"Just stay away from me!" Harry shouted angrily, and I stared nervously at him.

"It's only Malfoy," Ron said. "What do you expect?"

Ron let go of Harry, but the three of us stayed behind unsure what to make of Harry's unusual burst of anger. We kept walking, but I saw that all the carriages had been taken, and sighed.

"Hi, guys," Neville said as he arrived beside us.

"Hi, Neville." We all said at the same time, not turning our gaze away from the path leading to the school. But then I heard carriage wheels clattering behind us and turned around, only to see Harry looking the Thestrals pulling the carriage. Of course, he would be confused, since this would be the first time he could see them. I, on the other hand, had always seen them. It had not taken me long to realize others could not, so I had never said anything.

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