Chapter 74 - Gryffindor Versus Hufflepuff

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"Hagrid's right, Harry," I said in exasperation as we walked down the stairs toward the Great Hall the following morning.

"But you heard what he said, Dumbledore lost his temper even though he told me he trusted him completely. That's got to mean something!"

"Yes," I said, "it means they disagreed over something, but that's all! It doesn't mean Dumbledore doesn't trust Snape!"

"How do you know?" He asked angrily. "Liz, you heard it yourself: Malfoy is up to something and Snape offered to help him! And now he and Dumbledore are arguing!"

"Even if something actually was going on between Snape and Dumbledore, don't you think it's best you stay out of it?" I said. "Maybe Dumbledore's not telling you anything because he doesn't want you to do anything foolish."

"Why, because I always do foolish things? Is that what you're saying?" He said.

I sighed in annoyance. "I never said that! You're twisting my words!"

"Hagrid said Dumbledore asked the Heads of Houses to investigate the students. Maybe they were arguing because Snape didn't try hard enough to investigate the Slytherins, or, one Slytherin in particular."

I huffed in annoyance. "Stop! You've got to stop with this! All you do is talk about him or watch him on your map! You're obsessed!"

"I'm not obsessed!" He retorted angrily, but before either of us could say something, we were interrupted by a voice coming from behind us.

"There you are, Potter!"

We both glared at each other before turning around to see McLaggen rushing toward us.

"I heard what happened to Weasley. Doesn't sound like he'll be fit for next week's match."

"Oh . . . right . . . Quidditch," Harry said after a moment as he ran his hand through his hair. "Yeah . . . he might not make it."

"Well, then, I'll be playing Keeper, won't I?" said McLaggen.

"Yeah," Harry said. "Yeah, I suppose so. . . ."

"Excellent," said McLaggen in a satisfied voice and I took a step toward the Hall but ht kept talking. "So when's practice?"

"What? Oh . . . there's one tomorrow evening." Harry said.

"Good. Listen, Potter, we should have a talk beforehand. I've gotsome ideas on strategy you might find useful."

"Right," Harry said unenthusiastically as he glanced at me. "Well, I'll hear them out later, I'm sort of busy right now . . . see you . . ."

I was already walking through the large doorway when Harry caught up with me, but instead of sitting beside him at the Gryffindor table I sat opposite him without saying a word.

I heard him sigh before he jumped over the table and sat facing me on the bench.

"Liz, please, look at me," he said in a low voice but was interrupted by Lavender throwing herself in front of us.

"Why did no one tell me Won-Won was in the hospital?" She asked dramatically. "I mean, I am his girlfriend!"

"Right," Harry said. "I forgot, sorry."

I let out a small chuckle and I saw him smile at me from the corner of my eye.

"I'm so worried!" She said. "I miss him so much! Do you think he missed me? Do you think he'll be glad to see me once he's back to normal?" She asked. "You're his best friend," she was looking at Harry, "does he talk about me? What does he think about our relationship?"

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