Chapter 15 - The First Task

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The morning passed by in a flash. I could not recall a History of Magic lesson going by more quickly. The next thing I knew, I was sitting for lunch at the Great Hall beside Hermione as Professor McGonagall came hurrying over to the Gryffindor table.

"Potter," she said. "The champions have to come down onto the grounds now. . . . You have to get ready for your first task."

"Okay," Harry said, standing up, his fork falling onto his plate with a clatter.

"Good luck!" I said.

"You'll be fine, Harry!" Hermione added. "He'll be fine," she whispered to herself.

"Yes, he will be fine," I said, though I could not help but feel very nervous.

After lunch, we hurried out of the castle and around the edge of the forest where a large arena had been set up. It took us a while to get to our seats because it was packed with students going to and fro. A few rows behind us, Fred and George were walking around, shouting for people to place bets.

"Bets, place your bets!" Fred shouted above the noise of hundreds of excited students.

"Bets taken here!" George called.

"Step up, folks!" Fred said as they made our way toward us. "Who fancies a flutter in today's bloodbath?"

"Honestly," Hermione said.

"Smart money's on Krum to survive! Any bets?"

I shook my head, amused, but both Hermione and I's attention was stolen by Ron sitting pushing his way toward us.

"Hi," he said. "Can I join you?"

"Of course!" Hermione said.

"Your attention, please," Dumbledore's voice sounded above the hundreds of voices which died out almost immediately. "This is a great day for all of us," he went on, pausing only as one of the dragons roared. "Each of the three tasks involves considerable danger, so please keep your seats at all times.

A pause.

"I'm sure we will all wish our champions good luck. . . ."

"So," Ron said. "D'you reckon he'll be alright?"

Hermione and I exchanged a look.

"I mean, he does have a plan," I said.

Ron nodded.

"Oh, Ron," Hermione sighed. "Please tell me you'll talk to him after all this!"

"Maybe," he said.

Hermione rolled her eyes, but this was definitely an improvement.

A canon blast sounded and the crowd roared. I squinted and saw Cedric entering the enclosure, looking a little pale. In front of him stood a large, bluish-gray dragon.

"Swedish Short-Snout," Ron said.

I frowned as Cedric transfigured one of the rocks into a dog, probably in order to distract the dragon. It seemed to work for a moment, allowing Cedric to make his way toward the egg, but soon the dragon whipped around to face him, sending a terrible wave of flames his way. The crowd behind ducked in alarm as Cedric rolled to the side.

"Oooh, narrow miss there, very narrow," Bagman said. "He's taking risks, this one!"

He tried again, this time getting caught by the Short-Snout's fire so that part of his robes burned. I gasped, holding on tightly to the banister.

"Clever move — pity it didn't work!" Bagman's voice echoed above the gasps of the crowd.

Cedric was quick to cast a spell to extinguish them, however, and tried again.

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