Chapter 88 - The Will

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I carefully knocked on the door but opened it once I heard voices coming from the other side. Harry and Ron were both sitting on their beds as they talked in hushed voices.

"Happy birthday, Harry!" I said before I left a lingering kiss on his lips.

"Blimey," Ron said as I pulled away, "why didn't I get one of those for my birthday?"

I chuckled and shook my head. On his bedside table was a book titled Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches.

"What's this?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"Birthday present," Ron said. "From me."

I nodded, not needing further explanations. Then I turned to Ron and gave him a look which he understood to mean that I wanted to be alone with Harry for a moment. When the door closed shut behind him, I turned back to Harry, who still looked a little sleepy with his hair all tangled up. I smiled to myself as he ran his hand through it.

"I couldn't think what to get you. . . ."

"You don't have to get me anything," he said.

"I wanted to give you something special," I said. "At first I tried to find something useful that you could use while we were off hunting Horcruxes, but — I changed my mind."

He did not say anything. I sighed before looking intently into his green eyes and slowly leaning in toward him. Our lips were mere inches apart when I felt his arms wrap themselves around me and pull me closer. But a second later the door flung open, making us jump apart. Hermione was standing in the doorway, a nervous and guilty look on her face.

"Oh, I'm — I'm sorry," she said before closing the door again.

Harry and I both began to laugh and shake our heads.

"Let's go get breakfast," he said after a moment.

We walked hand in hand down to the kitchen, where the table was filled with presents. Hermione and I were both dragged away by Mrs. Weasley to help with the preparations for the birthday dinner. I did not have time to talk to Harry until the evening when I walked outside, where we had placed several tables to have enough room for everyone.

"Out of the way, out of the way!" Mrs. Weasley called from behind me as she ran toward the tables with her wand raised pointed at a giant Snitch birthday cake floating in front of her.

"That looks amazing, Mrs. Weasley," Harry said.

"Oh, it's nothing, dear," she said fondly.

The guests quickly began to arrive. Remus and Tonks, as well as my dad and Hagrid, had all dressed nicely for the occasion. Charlie had also just gotten back from Romania for the wedding.

"Happy birthday, Harry," Hagrid said as I made my way toward them. "Six years ter the day since we met, Harry, d'yehremember it?"

"Yeah," Harry said with a smile.

"All righ', Ron, Hermione, Elizabeth?" Hagrid said.

"We're fine," Hermione said. "How are you?"

"Ar, not bad," he said. "Here, Harry — couldn't think what ter get yeh, but then I remembered this."

He pulled outa small, slightly furry drawstring pouch with a long string, evidentlyintended to be worn around the neck.

"Mokeskin. Hide anythin' in there an' no one but the owner can get it out. They're rare, them."

"Hagrid, thanks!" Harry said.

"Wish Dad would hurry up and get here. Mum's getting edgy," Ron said.

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