Chapter 67 - Harry's Amends

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Christmas was approaching fast: Hagrid had already single-handedly delivered the usual twelve Christmas trees for the Great Hall and great bunches of mistletoe had been hung in the corridors. Christmas truly was a joyful time, yet that joy was overshadowed by a great deal many things. Harry and I were still not talking, and now Ron and Hermione were not talking either. This year seemed to be getting worse and worse by the day. Most of my time was spent with Hermione and Harry spent most of his with Ron. This did help reduce the number of awkward encounters with Harry, who still seemed keen to ignore what had happened between us, however, it did not mean that I preferred this new routine. I was anxiously waiting for the day when we could be the four of us together again.

In need of a short studying break, I stood, leaving Hermione with my things in the library, and walked toward the bathroom. I walked slowly through the candle-lit corridors but cursed myself for choosing this very bathroom when I walked inside. A dozen girls were standing around the sinks, giggling and squealing.

"You could just slip it in his drink," one of them said with a sheepish grin.

"No," another one said, "one of those three losers he hangs out with will see us for sure."

I frowned, wondering who they might be talking about, but when I heard Romilda Vane's annoying voice, I knew exactly who it was they were discussing, which only made me even more irritated.

"It doesn't matter," she said, "because he's going to ask me to the Christmas party."

I snorted, causing them to finally notice my presence. I gave them a cold stare before rolling my eyes and walking away. I quickly walked back to the library and sat down opposite Hermione, who was so focused on her essay that she did not even notice me. I sighed loudly in annoyance as I could not find it in myself to get back to work.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Romilda Vane's a bitch," I said slightly above a whisper so that a few people around us stared at me with wide eyes.

Hermione stared at me, dumbfounded. "What?"

"She was in the bathroom surrounded by her annoying friends talking about how to slip Harry a love potion! Can you believe that?"

"Why do you care?" She asked, not even looking at me.

"I don't," I replied quickly, noticing my mistake. "It's only that I don't think it would be fun to be given a dozen love potions at once, you know?"

"Hmm," she mumbled.

"I mean, if he would just ask someone to the party he wouldn't have to worry about that anymore, right?"

She lifted her head to look at me, looking as though she was trying not to smile.

"So who'll you be going to the party with?" She asked.

"Oh, er, I dunno," I said. "I might just not go at all."

The truth was that I really did not want to go to that party if it was to see Harry with another girl, whoever that might be.

"What?" She said. "You have to come!"

"Why?" I asked with a small laugh. "I doubt it'll be any more fun than the usual dinner parties."

"You should ask Harry," she said, making the smile on my face fade away. "You know, so that he doesn't have to worry about that," she imitated me, making me glare at her.

I looked down and opened my Transfigurations textbook, stubbornly ignoring her gaze.

"Oh, come on!" she said. "This is a perfect opportunity!"

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