Chapter 66 - Ron's Victory

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The next morning, breakfast was the usual excitable affair that it always was before a Quidditch game, especially when the teams playing were Slytherin and Gryffindor. Suddenly, everyone at the Gryffindor began to cheer, and I looked up to see Ron and Harry make their way toward me, followed by Hermione. Harry gave me a small smile as he sat opposite me, which I shyly returned before turning to Ron, who looked positively miserable. I rolled my eyes slightly as Hermione and Ron were bickering, again.

"Look, I didn't make up the name 'Slug Club' —" Hermione said.

"Slug Club," Ron repeated with a sneer.

"Anyway," she said, "Slughorn's going to have a Christmas party and we're allowed to bring guests."

"I suppose you'll be going with McLaggen, he's in the Slug Club too, isn't he?" Ron said defiantly.

"Actually I was going to ask you but if you think it's that stupid then I won't bother!" She said, turning her attention to the bowl of cereals in front of her.

"Cheer up, Ron!" Lavender said with a smile as she appeared behind him. "I know you'll be brilliant!"

Hermione, Harry and I exchanged a look before turning back to Ron.

"Tea?" Harry asked him. "Coffee? Pumpkin juice?"

"Anything," Ron said glumly.

"So how are you feeling?" Hermione asked tentatively, though she already knew the answer to that.

My eyes caught a glimpse of Harry adding something into a cup before handing it to Ron. It took me a while to understand what I had just seen and spoke up just when Ron was about to take a sip of whatever Harry had given him.

"Don't drink that, Ron!" I said sharply.

Harry and he exchanged a look. "Why not?"

"You put something in his drink, I just saw you!" I said.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said just as I saw him try to hide the vial he had been holding in his hand.

"Liquid luck," Hermione said. "Don't drink it, Ron!"

Ron looked at us defiantly before drinking the contents of the cup in one, long refreshing sip.

"You could be expelled for that," she told Harry.

"Look who's talking," he whispered back. "Confunded anyone lately?"

Hermione's eyes widened before she looked down at her plate, her cheeks flushed up. Harry and I exchanged a small grin before he stood up, Ron at his side, and waved at us before walking out.

"I'd have never believed it of him!" Hermione said, scandalized.

"Well, we might as well stop screaming it in a hall full of people so that he doesn't get in trouble, no?" I said, and her cheeks flushed again.

"You're right."

Once she had finished eating, we stood and made our way through the mass of students all clad in red and gold and found a spot in the stands from where we could watch the match. The teams soon appeared on the field, making the screaming and clapping grow louder. I could hear the distant sound of Luna's lion-topped hat and smiled to myself. Madam Hooch blew her whistle, and suddenly all the players shot up in the air. I was shocked to hear not Lee Jordan's usual commentary but Zacharias Smith talking through the microphone.

"Is that the best they could get to replace Lee?" I said and Hermione shook her head as she gave a small laugh.

I tensed up when the Slytherins approached the goal and made their first attempt to score, but shouted in surprise when Ron successfully stopped the Quabble from entering the net. Hermione was shaking her head beside me, but she was clapping enthusiastically.

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